Added: "Outland" newspaper style (best for viewing one item at a time, like Microsoft Outlook)
Added: Newspaper options moved to status bar
Changed: When an item is added to a news bin, it's now marked as unread in that news bin
Changed: The option to permit access to all enclosure types has been changed to permit access to all non-executable enclosures
Changed: After downloading an FDLANG2 language file, FeedDemon asks whether to apply it (previous versions applied it automatically)
Fixed: Watches aren't automatically saved after every update (54826)
Fixed: News bins allow adding duplicate item (54956)
Fixed: Auto-update settings in folder properties remain disabled after changing from synched to non-synched folder (54060)
下载:FeedDemon 2.0 RC2 (Build
Added: "Outland" newspaper style (best for viewing one item at a time, like Microsoft Outlook)
Added: Newspaper options moved to status bar
Changed: When an item is added to a news bin, it's now marked as unread in that news bin
Changed: The option to permit access to all enclosure types has been changed to permit access to all non-executable enclosures
Changed: After downloading an FDLANG2 language file, FeedDemon asks whether to apply it (previous versions applied it automatically)
Fixed: Watches aren't automatically saved after every update (54826)
Fixed: News bins allow adding duplicate item (54956)
Fixed: Auto-update settings in folder properties remain disabled after changing from synched to non-synched folder (54060)
下载:FeedDemon 2.0 RC2 (Build