FeedDemon 2.0 正式版发布

2006年03月27日 16:26 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
对不起, 工作失误. 感谢匿名朋友的投递.

作为 Windows 平台下的老牌RSS阅读器之一, FeedDemon 一直在进行不断的升级改进. 经过漫长的测试, 终于发布正式版了! 正式版版本号为

FeedDemon 2.0 is Golden!
After months of coding, debugging, refining and performance-tuning, FeedDemon 2.0 is finally done. The code has been frozen, the final install has been built, the documentation has been written, and we're all set to go live with it. The download will be posted soon, and I'll announce it here once it's available.

At this point I feel like I should blog a post-mortem of the new version, but the truth is I'm too pooped to do it - all I want to do right now is shut off my brain for a while and then take a veerrrryyy long nap!

Before I do that, though, I first want to give my thanks to everyone who helped out during the beta. This has been the longest beta cycle I've been involved in, yet through it all we've received an incredible amount of feedback that has helped make FeedDemon 2.0 a far better product than it would've been. And I also have to thank our excellent support team for dealing with the firehose of feedback that results from an open (public) beta. I believe FeedDemon 2.0 is the best work I've ever done, and I know it would not have been possible had I been the only one handling support.

And now, about that nap...zzz...

下载: FeedDemon 2.0 正式版
我们在FebBox(https://www.febbox.com/cnbeta) 开通了新的频道,更好阅读体验,更及时更新提醒,欢迎前来阅览和打赏。使用教程


FeedDemon 2.0 正式版发布

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