UltraEdit-32 12.00a

2006年04月29日 10:25 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
UltraEdit 是能够满足你一切编辑需要的编辑器.UltraEdit 是一套功能强大的文本编辑器,可以编辑文本、十六进制、ASCII 码,可以取代记事本,内建英文单字检查、C++ 及 VB 指令突显,可同时编辑多个文件,而且即使开启很大的文件速度也不会慢.软件附有 HTML 标签颜色显示、搜寻替换以及无限制的还原功能,一般大家喜欢用其来修改EXE 或 DLL 文件.
UltraEdit-32 v12.00a Changes 4/28/2006:
- Issue with ctags working correctly with Perl regex.
- Issue involving switching between UltraEdit, Unix, and Perl style regular expressions. The affected areas include find/replace, macros, function list, and ctags.
- Missing scrollbar in List Lines Containing Strings on Windows 2000
- Issue with auto-recovery and multiple instances
- Issue with multi-character brace matching
- Issue with multi-line replace all
- Crash with find/replace dialog
- Convert to fixed column scan in large one-line file
- Message prompt when opening a file without temp file
- Resize issue with favorite files dialog in Windows classic view
Issue with Find in Files to Edit window
- Issue with cursor down in Chinese
- Positioning issue after replace in spell checker
- Issue with Search setting 'Continue at End of File'
- Focus issue with Find/Replace dialog
- Import of UE settings
- Select issue with block mode Indent/Unindent
- Crash in Replace/Replace in Files
- FTP mode for FTP linked folders, should always use binary mode
- FTP file tree view support for MVS servers
- Crash in FTP file/folder rename
- Comment remove working differently from toolbar than from menu
- Tandem cursor in Hex Edit view with nothing selected
- Localized tooltips when hovering over main toolbar
- Issue with horizontal scroll thumb and long lines
- Brace matching with Perl hash dereference
- Replace/undo issue with unicode files
- Save As with UTF8 to UTF16/BE/UASCII
- Issue with Find/Replace In Files and display to edit window
- Issue with Find and Replace dropdowns on Win2K
- Display of List Lines Containing String for high ASCII characters
- Issues with Perl regex and exception handling
- A number of issues with using anchors ie ^ and $ in Perl regex
- Issue with newline characters in 'list lines containing' dialog
- Issue with empty replace string in 'replace all in open files'
- Certain issues with Perl regex find over multiple lines
- Crash in FTP file/folder rename
- Replace/undo issue with unicode files
- Save As with UTF8 to UTF16/BE/UASCII
Homepage - http://www.ultraedit.com

Size: 6.49 MB

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UltraEdit-32 12.00a

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