WinFS 重出江湖,Tech·Ed 2006 将详细介绍

2006年05月23日 07:03 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
WinFS虽然离开了Vista,但微软开发下一代文件系统的脚步却并没有停止,近日在MSDN Blog上出现了WinFS的相关负责人的公告,他们将在今年6月举行的微软Tech·Ed2006会议上详细介绍WinFS,并且在近期会发布继去年9月发布的Beta1版本之后的最新测试版.

WinFS & Integrated Storage Overview [DAT202]
Monday, 6/12 9:00AM – 10:00AM

Speakers: Quentin Clark, Product Unit Manager, and Shan Sinha, Program Manager
Target Audience : General, 200 level

Learn about Microsoft s vision for Integrated Data – a single platform for storing and accessing structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. See how WinFS, Microsoft s new relational filesystem for Windows, delivers on this promise. Get a glimpse of how the next generation of your applications will benefit from a relational file system.

Deploying WinFS : Bringing a Relational Store to Windows [DAT211]
Tuesday, 6/13 8:30AM – 9:45AM

Speaker: Sethu Kalavakur, Lead Program Manager
Target Audience : IT Managers and Administrators, 200 level

WinFS is the new relational file store for Windows. This session will describe WinFS in the windows ecosystem – supporting backward compatibility for existing applications, performance tradeoffs, easier management through features like Automated Recovery from Data Corruption, security semantics and more. You will walk away comfortably understanding how to deploy, use and maintain WinFS on Windows.

Building on WinFS : Developing a Great WinFS App from Scratch [DAT416]
Tuesday, 6/13 2:45PM – 4:00PM

Speaker: Roger Lueder, Software Development Engineer
Target Audience : Developers, 400 level

A deep dive into building WinFS applications. This session will walk through the capabilities offered by the WinFS platform. We will create a rich data oriented application from scratch, showing you some great examples of new scenarios you can enable in your applications. You will leave the session with the knowledge you need to begin building your own data-oriented applications on WinFS.

Next Generation Data-Access in .NET Applications with ADO.NET vNext [DAT304]
Monday, 6/12 10:45AM – 12:00PM. Repeated: Thursday 6/15 2:45PM – 4:00PM
Speaker: Pablo Castro,
Target Audience : Developers, 300 level

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WinFS 重出江湖,Tech·Ed 2006 将详细介绍

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