预告:Messenger Plus! Live 4.0 Final 即将出现

2006年06月21日 07:52 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
为了响应Microsoft 的 Windows Live Messenger 8.0 final版本在20/06/2006发布,最大的MSN Messenger插件Messenger Plus!宣布他将在6月24日23:40发布支持Live Messenger的官方正式版本 Messenger Plus! Live 4.0 final.此前由于内部测试版本的泄漏,我们当中的很多人应该已经用上了吧(然而这个beta版本似乎是不支持Live Messenger Final的),让我们期待~

Messenger Plus! Live: next Saturday - 20/06/2006

They did it! Microsoft finally released Windows Live Messenger publicly today. After the longest period of public testing for a MSN Messenger client, Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger 8) is going to be a pleasant surprise for old time Messenger users. The interface of this new version has been completely redesigned, it's more simple, cleaner, and yet more powerful than anything else MSN has released so far. You'll have to get used to talk about Windows Live though and not MSN (although I suspect most of us will keep on calling the client "MSN" for a long time).

Because of the new direction taken by Microsoft, Messenger Plus! was also completely redesigned. It took 8 months of full time work but your favorite add-on is now ready to go public as well. The new version of Messenger Plus! (4.00), distributed under the name "Messenger Plus! Live", will be officially released this Saturday, June 24th, at 23:40 GMT. The new web site will also be put online at the same time, and a last post on this site will be made to start the transition period. These are exciting days for anybody interested in Microsoft's Messenger clients and its surrounding communities, make sure you don't miss any associated event!

See you soon at msgpluslive.net :).
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预告:Messenger Plus! Live 4.0 Final 即将出现

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