UEStudio '06 06.10 和 UltraEdit-32 12.20

2006年10月13日 06:18 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
UltraEdit 是能够满足你一切编辑需要的编辑器.UltraEdit 是一套功能强大的文本编辑器,可以编辑文本、十六进制、ASCII 码,可以取代记事本,内建英文单字检查、C++ 及 VB 指令突显,可同时编辑多个文件,而且即使开启很大的文件速度也不会慢.软件附有 HTML 标签颜色显示、搜寻替换以及无限制的还原功能,一般大家喜欢用其来修改EXE 或 DLL 文件.
UltraEdit-32 v12.20 Changes 10/12/2006 :
# SSH/Telnet Window
# Support for Windows x64 Shell integration
# Auto-indent wrapped lines
# Multi-key mappings (sometimes called chords)
# File Tab Color Highlighting on a per file extension basis (optional)
# Right-click Find in Files from Explorer in File Tree view
# Grouped undo option
# New Settings for Output Window (via right-click context menu):

    * Use spaces instead of Tabs
    * Show Tool tips

# Default the View As option for new unsaved files (config item)
# Support for Alternate Data Streams on NTFS Operating Systems
# Spell check in "strings" or "comments"
# Ability to view and print Key Mapping from configuration
# Support for dual monitors
# Bookmark now includes column number with line number (optional)
# Saving of folded lines is now optional (config item)
# Showing of last line of fold in syntax highlighted files is now optional (config item)
# Ability to see path to the INI file in config
# Integration with Explorer now a configuration item
# Change working directory if no files are open in directory
# Mouse wheel scrolls window under mouse pointer

下载:UltraEdit-32 12.20

UEStudio '06 v06.10 Changes 10/12/2006 :
- SSH/Telnet Window
- Auto-indent wrapped lines
- Right-click Find in Files from Explorer in File Tree view
- Spell check in "strings" or "comments"
- Support for Windows x64 Shell integration
- Default the View As option for new unsaved files (config item)
- Change working directory if no files are open in directory
- Mouse wheel scrolls Window under mouse pointer
- Support for dual monitors
- Updated Subversion to version 1.4

下载:UEStudio '06 06.10
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UEStudio '06 06.10 和 UltraEdit-32 12.20

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      created by ceallan