FlashFXP 3.4.1 Build 1154 Beta

2006年11月25日 07:36 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
FlashFXP 是功能强大的FXP/FTP软件,融合了一些其他优秀FTP软件的优点,如像CuteFTP一样可以比较文件夹,支持彩色文字显示;像BpFTP支持多文 件夹选择文件,能够缓存文件夹;像LeapFTP一样的外观界面,甚至设计思路也差相仿佛.支持文件夹 (带子文件夹)的文件传送、删除;支持上传、下载及第三方文件续传;可以跳过指定的文件类型,只传送需要的文件;可以自定义不同文件类型的显示颜色;可以 缓存远端文件夹列表,支持FTP代理及 Socks 4&5;具有避免空闲功能,防止被站点踢出;可以显示或隐藏“隐藏”属性的文件、文件夹;支持每个站点使用被动模式等.

* Upgraded Zlib component to 1.23.
* Upgraded the folder browse dialog to use the BIF_USENEWUI flag, which gives the dialog a Make Folder button and makes it resizable.
* Optimized the status window text scrolling. It scrolled slower and slower as more text was put into it. This is no longer the case.
* Optimized the FlashFXP load up time. It's about 30% faster now.
* FlashFXP now uses FastMM4 memory manager.
* Optimized the local file browser list speed by about 237%.
* Once the connection retry limit is reached all files for that site are marked as failed or deleted (based on your settings) and then continues with the next site in queue.
* Improved find feature

* Toggling between local and ftp view while a site is working offline didn't properly update the site name label.
* In some instances a user initiated site disconnect triggered an automatic reconnect.
* Switching remote folders while flashfxp is in the middle of loading a folder from cache was allowed and generated an error.
* Extreme file listing font size changes resulted in the local browser dropdown controls clearing their content.
* Moving objects via a drag/drop from listview to treeview would fail if thecurrent working directory wasn't the source directory.
* Closing FlashFXP during a login sometimes resulted in a crash.
* Changing the shortcut key for a custom command didn't set the modified flag and the change wasn't saved.
* The Queue remaining value on the status bar displayed the incorrect result when viewing or editing a file.
* When renaming a folder the sub-folder cache wasn't cleared.
* In some instances list command would fail with an error however FlashFXP still thought it was successful.
* Cache consistency issue causing undesirable results under certain situations when queuing items for transfer.
* Resolved an issue with FlashFXP portable when ejecting the USB drive withthe evaluation dialog active.
* Added hostCleanUp to the U3 manifest to work around a bug in early versions of U3 Lauchpad.
* Other minor fixes.

下载:FlashFXP 3.4.1 Build 1154 Beta (FlashFXP 3.4.2 Beta)
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FlashFXP 3.4.1 Build 1154 Beta

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