Agnitum Outpost Firewall 是一款短小精悍的网络防火墙软件, 它的功能是同类PC软件中最强的, 甚至包括了广告和图片过滤、内容过滤、DNS缓存等功能. 它能够预防来自Cookies、广告、电子邮件病毒、后门、窃密软件、解密高手、广告软件和其它 Internet 危险的威胁. 该软件不需配置就可使用, 这对于许多新手来说, 变得很简单. 尤为值得一提的是, 这是市场上第一个支持插件的防火墙, 这样它的功能可以很容易地进行扩展. 该软件资源占用也很小. Outpost的其它强大功能毋庸多说, 你亲自试一试就知道了.
- Fake Protection Revealer leaktest interception
- SpyCar tests interception
- Allow Once action in real-time spyware protection learn dialog
- Real-time spyware protection learn dialog improved for critical objects changes detection
- Addition of Expandable String Value and similar variables to the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun registry key is now controlled
- Compatibility issues with third-party software (KAV, eTrust, CygWin, Diskeper 10, Spy Sweeper 5.0.x)
- Self-protection false positives
- Anti-Spyware plug-in was not loaded under Windows 98
- Outpost Firewall could crash on restoring objects from Anti-Spyware quarantine
- Outpost Firewall could crash on thread opening
- Several localization and interface issues