Diskeeper 2007 11.0 Build 701.0 for Windows 2000/XP

2007年03月08日 09:22 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
Diskeeper 磁盘碎片整理工具.能整理Windows 加密文件和压缩的文件,可自动分析磁盘文件系统,无论磁盘文件系统是 FAT16 或 NTFS 格式皆可安全、快速和最佳效能状态下整理.可选择完整整理或仅整理可用空间,保持磁盘文件的连续,加快文件存取效率,有排程整理磁盘功能,可以设定整 理磁盘的时间表,时间一到即可帮你自动做磁盘维护工作.磁盘碎片整理工具.能整理Windows 加密文件和压缩的文件,可自动分析磁盘文件系统,无论磁盘文件系统是 FAT16 或 NTFS 格式皆可安全、快速和最佳效能状态下整理,可选择完整整理或仅整理可用空间,保持磁盘文件的连续,加快文件存取效率,有排程整理磁盘功能,可以设定整理磁 盘的时间表,时间一到即可帮你自动做磁盘维护工作.
WHAT`S NEW in Diskeeper 2007:
- Diskeeper 2007 is a software solution like no other. Using a brand new technology called InvisiTasking, Diskeeper 2007 is able to do what has never been done before – defrag the hard drive on the fly in real time and eliminate fragmentation as it occurs (click here for more info on fragmentation).
- Diskeeper 2007 with InvisiTasking will change the world of computing in a significant way. Now, with Diskeeper 2007, computers will always run at their maximum peak performance, with no fragmentation related issues, for the life of the system.
Best of all, Diskeeper 2007 will do this automatically, without further input or supervision from the user. Just install Diskeeper 2007 on your home computer or network, and Diskeeper takes care of the rest.
- With InvisiTasking, Diskeeper 2007 will run with complete transparency in the background. There will never be a conflict with resources or a need for scheduling. The only way you will know Diskeeper 2007 is there is the dramatic increase in performance and reliability that you will experience after installation.

下载:Diskeeper Home

下载:Diskeeper Professional

下载:Diskeeper Pro Premier

下载:Diskeeper Server

下载:Diskeeper Enterprise Server

下载:Diskeeper Administrator


下载:Diskeeper 2007 All In One

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Diskeeper 2007 11.0 Build 701.0 for Windows 2000/XP

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