微软悄悄修复了 Windows Live OneCare 在Outlook中删除邮件的问题

2007年03月14日 06:37 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
11日微软Windows Live OneCare爆出删除用户邮件的Bug,根据数个新闻站点和blog的观察,两天后微软已经悄悄地修补了最新版本的OneCare,该问题已经被解决.内含解决方案与检测方法,重要字词已经加黑处理.

"On Sunday March 11, the Windows Live OneCare team released a new anti-malware engine that will fix the issue of OneCare erroneously quarantining certain Outlook .pst or Outlook Express .dbx files when infected files were detected within them. Windows Live OneCare customers whose PCs are connected to the Internet will automatically get this fix. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused our customers.

"Again, OneCare will automatically update for this fix and customers will not need to take action to update themselves, but any customers who wish to manually confirm that they have received the most recent anti-malware engine can do so via the following steps:

1. Click “Change OneCare Settings” in the Main OneCare user interface

2. Click the “Logging” Tab

3. Click the “Create support log” button

4. Scroll down to the “Virus and Spyware Versions:” section and check your AM Engine version number. If the text says the numbers “2306” after the 1.1. number – such as AM Engine:(1.1. 2306 .0) – your engine has been updated already. If “2306” does not appear, your engine may still need updating. To update, ensure your computer is connected to the Internet, then click the “Check for updates” link in the main OneCare user interface and OneCare will download and install the fix.

"For customers whose Outlook .pst and Outlook Express .dbx files had been quarantined prior to this fix and engine update, we continue to recommend the following steps to recover their email:

1. Close Outlook or Outlook Express

2. Click Change OneCare Settings in the Main OneCare user interface

3. Click on the Viruses & Spyware Tab

4. And then click on the Quarantine button and then select the pst or dbx file and then click on Restore."

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微软悄悄修复了 Windows Live OneCare 在Outlook中删除邮件的问题

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