一套功能强大,可取代记事本的文字编辑器,拥有无限制的撤消与重做、英文拼字检查、自动换行、列数标记、搜寻取代、同时编辑多文件、全屏幕浏览功能。而它还有一个好用的功能,就是它有监视剪贴板的功能,能够同步于剪贴板自动将文字粘贴进 EditPlus 的编辑窗口中,让你省去粘贴的步骤。
另外它也是一个非常好用的 HTML 编辑器,它除了支持颜色标记、HTML 标记,同时支持 C、C++、Perl、Java,另外,它还内建完整的HTML & CSS1 指令功能,对于习惯用记事本编辑网页的朋友,它可帮你节省一半以上的网页制作时间,若你有安装 IE 3.0 以上版本,它还会结合E 浏览器于 EditPlus 窗口中,让你可以直接预览编辑好的网页(若没安装IE,也可指定浏览器路径)。另外它也是一个好用的HTML网页编辑软件,除了可以颜色标记HTML Tag (同时支 援 C/C++、Perl、Java) 外,还内置完整的HTML和 CSS1 指令状态,支持 HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Perl, C/C++, Java, JavaScript and VBScript;对于习惯用 记事本编辑网页的朋友,它可帮你节省一半以上的网页制作时间。倘若你有安装 IE 3.0以上版本,它还会结合 IE 浏览器于EditPlus的窗口中,让你可以直接预 览编辑好的网页(若没安装IE,也可指定浏览器路径)。是一个相当棒又多用途多 状态的编辑软件。
Latest Changes: View All Changes
* -cursor command-line option could cause program crash
* Ctrl+'drag and drop' did not work in some case
* Multi-line regexp did not work correctly
* Word by word selection did not work correctly in word wrap mode
* 'Capitalize' command could not recognize apostrophe
* On Open Remote dialog box, ".." icon did not work with some servers
* Directory Window could not handle some Japanese characters
* Collapse command with column selection could cause program crash
* @LANGUAGE=VBScript directive could break JavaScript syntax colors
* Find in Files could cause program crash with very large files
* 'Dialog font' option added on the Function List
* Fixes false file modification warnings on some network drives
* 'Disconnect automatically' option did not work correctly
* 'Include directory names' backup option added
* 'USER with no logon' firewall option did not work correctly
~Support Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/Vista~
Latest Changes: View All Changes
* -cursor command-line option could cause program crash
* Ctrl+'drag and drop' did not work in some case
* Multi-line regexp did not work correctly
* Word by word selection did not work correctly in word wrap mode
* 'Capitalize' command could not recognize apostrophe
* On Open Remote dialog box, ".." icon did not work with some servers
* Directory Window could not handle some Japanese characters
* Collapse command with column selection could cause program crash
* @LANGUAGE=VBScript directive could break JavaScript syntax colors
* Find in Files could cause program crash with very large files
* 'Dialog font' option added on the Function List
* Fixes false file modification warnings on some network drives
* 'Disconnect automatically' option did not work correctly
* 'Include directory names' backup option added
* 'USER with no logon' firewall option did not work correctly
~Support Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/Vista~