DiskTrix UltimateDefrag是一款可以用你想象的方法重组并且最佳化你的硬盘,支持目前的任何硬盘格式,而且可以在最短时间内完成硬盘重组,假定你有一个大于1GB,有900MB是位于同一片段中,其它100MB散布在10个片段中,UltimateDefrag只会移动这100MB部分,附加到已重组的片段,可以大大地缩短重组执行时间,且有效升执行效能.
Changes in UltimateDefrag Version 1.47 (24 March 2007)
UltimateDefrag scheduling interface and functionality has been significantly enhanced to directly use Windows Task Scheduler interface. This adds more flexibility for scheduling defrags - including idle periods.
* Minimize To System Tray (Hide When Minimized) Function Added
You can select an option to Hide When Minimized and UltimateDefrag will move to the SystemTray. A right click on the SystemTray Icon provides some control including pause, resume and stop functions.
* Detect and Disable (upon user's consent) Windows BootOptimize state in Windows Registry.
It is recommended that you answer "Yes" and disable BootOptimize since Windows attempts to optimize boot file layout every 3 days. This undoes UltimateDefrag's file layout optimization by rearranging files.
* When you go into Tools=>Options menu to select optimization options, the Options dialogue box remembers the drive that you have selected in the main user interface. This avoids inadvertently selecting options for the wrong drive.
* Changes made to the configuration are now automatically saved immediately and on exit. Previously this would only be saved on exit resulting in possible loss of last changes made to UltimateDefrag configuration in the event of abnormal termination of the program.
* Confirm Before Exit. If you attempt to exit the program when file operations are in progress you will be warned that file operations are currently in progress.
* A bug in the Recency Method where data was placed on inner tracks was archiving even if Respect Archive was not selected.
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