Encarta 2005 Beta 测试已经告终! 即将发布新版

2004年05月09日 06:39 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
上几个月我们曾经报道了著名电子图书馆Encarta 2005的测试进程,很快Beta测试就在今天告一段落.微软向所有测试者发了一封信函,感谢Encarta 2005的测试者找出的大量Bug和修正建议.并承诺:参加测试的人员将每人一套xbox或者Microsoft Office 2003标准版随便自己挑一件作为奖励.看到这里,我可真后悔自己没参加,哈哈.内含英文全文.
At midnight on Monday, May 10th, the beta period for Encarta Reference Library 2005 ends. There are only a few more days to enter those final bugs! Remember, for each bug or suggestion you enter, you add to your chances of winning the Sweepstakes prize - your choice of an Xbox console or Microsoft Office 2003 Standard.

We'll be posting the Exit Survey to BetaPlace soon, so keep an eye out for it. This survey is very important to the Encarta team as it collects your feedback regarding the Encarta product, BetaPlace, and the beta process as a whole.

We appreciate you taking time to test Encarta 2005 beta! As you know, the beta release of a software product is a crucial part of the development cycle, not only because it's the first time that the product is released outside the company, but because it's released to an exclusive group of testers like you. You have an opportunity to review it, test it, and experience it before anyone else. You play a role by finding bugs and submitting feedback that gives us a critical insight into how we need to make Encarta 2005 better. You shape Encarta into the cool product that it is so it can be used by people throughout the world!

The Microsoft Encarta Reference Library product teams
我们在FebBox(https://www.febbox.com/cnbeta) 开通了新的频道,更好阅读体验,更及时更新提醒,欢迎前来阅览和打赏。使用教程


Encarta 2005 Beta 测试已经告终! 即将发布新版

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