说起教育软件,国内外都在做,Student 2006的发布真的可以引发国内软件业的思考,我们的教育软件都在做什么?中/高考试题模拟,归根结底以考为主,而他们在做什么?自己看."布置作业"和"帮助完成功课"两个不同的概念,可以折射出中西方教育文化的差别.
Microsoft Student 2006 包含:
忘了放上GuestID:StudentBeta06 不好意思.
Microsoft Student 2006 包含:
忘了放上GuestID:StudentBeta06 不好意思.
Dynamic World Atlas - An interactive map of the Earth
Graphing Calculator - Solve basic math, algebra, statistics, graphing equations and more
Chart Maker - Create stunning pie charts, bar graphs, and line charts!
Dictionary, Thesaurus and Translation Tools - Find just the right word
Learning Essentials - Quick access to Microsoft Office templates to help with homework assignments
Book Summaries - Complete guides that explain themes, characters and settings of classic literature
Web Companion - Provides relevant encyclopedia content based on web searches
Plus the full version of Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006
关注:Microsoft BetaPlace (需要Passport)
Graphing Calculator - Solve basic math, algebra, statistics, graphing equations and more
Chart Maker - Create stunning pie charts, bar graphs, and line charts!
Dictionary, Thesaurus and Translation Tools - Find just the right word
Learning Essentials - Quick access to Microsoft Office templates to help with homework assignments
Book Summaries - Complete guides that explain themes, characters and settings of classic literature
Web Companion - Provides relevant encyclopedia content based on web searches
Plus the full version of Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006
关注:Microsoft BetaPlace (需要Passport)