MSN Messenger 7.0.813 升级包

2005年04月29日 21:30 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
这个补丁包可以将你的MSN Messenger升级至最新版本BUild 813,你不需要再下载完整的安装包了.

点击下载MSN Messenger 7.0.813 升级包

From the MSN Messenger BETA newsgroups: We’re glad to have been able to fix a few bugs. We couldn’t fix them all, of course. Thanks to all who have given it a try. I am hereby giving those of you (20-30) who have gotten the e-mail from me permission to forward it to other beta testers (under NDA) so they can try it out. Let’s broaden the net and see just how solid this patch is.
In particular, MSN Messenger has never done this patching technology before. If people feel adventurous and want to…
1. Run the patch again (to make sure it doesn’t do anything)
2. Uninstall and go back to 777 (to make sure nothing gets weird), and then install the patch again
3. Try to run the patch when you don’t even have 777.
That would be great “devious tester” things to try.

For the first time in history, the MSN Messenger team is working on a QFE (or "hotfix") patch to the current build of MSN Messenger (0777). QFE stands for Quick Fix Engineering, which means upgrading (to build 0813) through a small patch instead of a 7mb setup file like we're used to. In the past, many smallband users have complained about having to download entire versions just to upgrade. It seems that Microsoft is planning to address this complaint and, who knows, maybe MSN Messenger updates will finally be delivered through Windows Update (or like Phillllllllll reported, the upcoming Microsoft Update) in the future.
The patch, currently available strictly to a handful of official BETA-testers, fixes a few bugs (eg. the "Always Sign On As:" bug). In general, BETA-testers have witnessed a faster and smoother overall performance (eg. during the sign-in process) after applying the patch.
The QFE patch to 7.0.0777 is expected to be released to the public in a matter of hours, maybe days, as soon as it's been thoroughly tested. Unless someone leaks it, that is.
UPDATE: Strangely enough, some common and annoying bugs (unlimited nudges, anyone?) are not fixed by the current version of the QFE patch.
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MSN Messenger 7.0.813 升级包

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