Bug 1: Dit-moi la verite.
In French markets, when opening a conversation window with a MSN Mobile Buddy we previously showed the french version of the text “Messages you type here are delivered to a mobile phone or pager. The recipient may be charged for each message by his or her wireless service provider.” But now it will say “Messages you type here are delivered to a mobile phone or pager.” Because it almost all cases, the recipients pay for the service in general and don’t have to pay for individual messages.
Bug 2: Connectivity Trouble Shooter Fires Stray Bullets
Sometimes after running the Connectivity Trouble Shooter, users found that some of their computer programs were no longer able to connect properly. We fixed up the Connectivity Trouble Shooter so that should no longer happen.
下载:MSN Messenger 7.5.0311 官方简体中文版

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