Paint.NET 2.6 Beta 1

2006年01月09日 07:32 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
华盛顿大学学生用C#做了一个Paint.NET, 比Windows的MSPaint强大不少,包括Layer、Clone Stmap、Edge Detection、Motion Blur及History等,界面也很不错,样式有点像PHOTOSHOP的感觉,对图像处理有兴趣的朋友有福了,不过美中不足的地方是一次只能处理一张 图片.另外此软件已经得到了微软的资助.

  • Fixed a crash under Windows 2000
  • New "Curves" adjustment for editing the color curves of an image
  • UI elements that are drawn on the image canvas are now visible if they go outside the canvas boundaries. This includes the nubs/handles for the Move tools, Line/Curve tool, and the selection outline
  • Optimized Move Selected Pixels tool: its history data is saved in a background thread, it only has to save half as much as it used to, and it is now much more responsive as a result
  • Optimized performance and memory usage of Paintbrush, Eraser, and Pencil tools
  • Optimized performance of Paint Bucket and Magic Wand tools
  • Optimized startup performance
  • Mouse wheel zooming now centers on where the mouse is located
  • Mouse wheel zooming is now more granular/smooth
  • Line/Curve Tool 'nubs' can now be hidden by tapping the Ctrl key
  • Pressing Enter or Esc now finishes a selection with the Move tools
  • Fixed a Paintbrush Tool crash
  • Fixed a Rotate/Zoom bug
  • Fixed many bugs related to scrolling and zooming
  • Fixed some layout bugs related to the Layers form
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Paint.NET 2.6 Beta 1

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