Paint.NET是一个图像和照片处理软件,它由华盛顿州立大学的学生开发和维护并由微软公司提供项目指导,早期定位于MS Paint的免费替代软件,现在逐渐发展为一个功能强大且易用的的图像和照片处理软件,支持图层,无限制的历史记录,特效,和许多实用工具,并且开放源代 码和完全免费,界面看起来有点像Photoshop.该软件的开发语言是C#.

- Fixed DirectDraw Surface (.dds) file format support for CPUs which do not have SSE2 (Pentium III, Athlon XP).
- Fixed an issue with the File->Save dialog related to file type plugins that were only written for opening (importing).
- Fixed some crashes which were supposed to be "out of memory" errors.
- Fixed a race condition with the New Image, Canvas Size, and Resize dialogs. If you typed extremely fast you could cause a crash by typing a negative number and immediately pressing OK or Enter.
- Fixed a File->Save dialog issue in Win7/Vista where it could ask you about overwriting the wrong file.