- Added: "Activation wizard" now appears at startup until FeedDemon has been activated
- Added: "Polling frequency" added to synchronization options (53063)
- Added: Surfer newspaper can now show just headlines
- Added: "Export feeds" enables exporting a specific folder (53003)
- Added: Clicking the header above the news item list shows the newspaper for the active feed
- Added: "Unread folder view"
- Added: The cleanup wizard has been redesigned and now enables choosing a max # of items
- Added: Items removed by the cleanup wizard won't return if they still exist in the feed (provided that each item has a pubDate)
- Added: Every 30 days the subscription overview includes a reminder to run the cleanup wizard
- Added: Increased performance throughout
- Changed: Right-clicking no longer makes a feed or folder "active"
- Changed: The option "Spacebar navigates to next unread item" has been added back
- Changed: The option to always browse directly to an item's link has been returned (53313)
- Changed: The option to browse directly to an item's link when its description is empty has been returned (53311)
- Changed: FeedDemon now automatically increases a feed's auto-purge setting when more items exist in the actual feed than are allowed by the auto-purge setting (28776)