Total Commander 7.55 Beta 1

2010年03月26日 07:05 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
Total Commander是一个功能强大的全能文件管理器,支持随意自定义的菜单、工具栏、快捷键,给您最大的自由.一般的文件操作,如搜索、复制、移动、改 名、删除等功能应有尽有,更有文件内容比较、同步文件夹、批量重命名文件、分割合并文件、创建/检查文件校验(MD5/SFV) 等实用功能. 内 置 ZIP/TAR/GZ/TGZ 格式的压缩/解压功能,ZIP格式还支持创建加密及自解包功能.此外,不仅可以直接打开(解开) ARJ/CAB/RAR/LZH/ACE/UC2 等压缩包,配合插件或相应的压缩程序,更可创建这些格式的压缩包,就像创建和打开文件夹一样简单.而搜索功能,无论是文件还是内容,同样支持在这些压缩包 中进行.
* Use MLSD command for file listings in FTP function (better time resolution, time in UTC)
* Transfer files between two computers over a special USB cable
* Improvements to synchronize dirs function: Compare via plugins and FTP, options to skip hidden files and hard links, SITE UTIME in ftp sync
* Compare by content now shows different and changed lines with a slightly different background color (configurable via wincmd.ini)
* Unpack directory time stamps from archives
* Lister: Increased maximum line length to 1024 characters (Unicode: 512)
* Verify CRC checksums: Also support CRC files in UTF16 Unicode format
* Show Terminal Server and Win7 XP mode drives in drive dropdown list and drive buttonbar
* Ctrl+Shift+B and cm_DirBranchSel shows branch view of only the selected dirs+files
* F5 copy dialog: "Options" dialog extension can be pinned now to remain open
* Show progress dialog box when reading a directory takes longer than 5 seconds
* Create CRC checksums: support subdirectories (recursively), background button
* Handle dir space calculation in background (when user presses SPACE or Alt+Shift+Enter)
* File system plugins: Support background downloads and uploads (requires changes to plugin)
* Various new background operations: Unpack: RAR, TAR, packer plugins (needs modification), Pack: TAR, packer plugins

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Total Commander 7.55 Beta 1

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