Wine 6.5发布 支持OpenCL 1.2

2021年03月27日 07:22 次阅读 稿源:cnBeta.COM 条评论

Wine 6.5,这款在Linux和macOS下运行的Windows应用和游戏的兼容层现在已经开始执行双周一版本的开发节奏。今日发布的6.5版最值得注意的是其针对OpenCL 1.2的支持进行了更新。此前Wine的OpenCL库(DLL)代码还停留在OpenCL 1.0,而Zebediah Figura则负责让它满足OpenCL 1.1以及1.2的规范要求。

- OpenCL支持更新到1.2版本。

- 在MSHTML中增加了对IE兼容模式的支持。

- 更多的无窗口RichEdit工作。

- 增加了一些WinRT库存根。

- 各种bug修复。

Wine 6.5有25个已知的bug修复,影响了Guild Wars 2、Quicken、IDA Pro、.NET应用程序以及其他各种游戏和应用程序。

关于Wine 6.5的下载和更多细节,请访问


Bugs fixed in 6.5 (total 25):

33375  Cannot test dlls with dashes in their name

34906  Multiple applications crash when trying to render in system memory (Zoo Tycoon, TOCA Touring Car Championship, The Sims, Conquest: Frontier Wars)

37488  Quicken 2014 reports error 0x0000054f on startup (NtAreMappedFilesTheSame fails to compare in-memory loader view of builtin dlls with mapped disk image)

37983  Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, Outlaws ( versions) - music doesn't work

45032  WineTest does not run the vcomp tests

45567  League of Legends 8.12+ fails to start a game (anticheat engine, validation of WoW64 syscall dispatcher)

45685  Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 does not run after training a new user

46817  Steam Big Picture needs d3d11_device_CreateDeviceContextState

47310  Canon TS3100 series full driver and software package refuses to install: "To install the software, you must be logged in to an administrator account."

50034  In font dialog's sample text, background changes color

50119  Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin shows a white screen with vulkan renderer

50168  Error when running notepad.exe: Failed to start RpcSs service

50362  Fl Studio 20.8 crashes on startup

50411  Adobe Audition 2020 crashes on startup, reporting 'Direct2D Drawbot error' (d2d_geometry_group_GetBounds is a stub)

50721  IDA Pro 7.5: Lumina can't contact server, complains about Schannel security attributes

50738  Guild Wars 2 launcher can't login

50756  "Path is invalid." when using "SVN update" with SVN for Windows, which is used by TortoiseSVN

50783  WineTest declares dlls with dots in their name as missing

50790  No display found when using winemac.drv in a VM

50805  Win32_OperatingSystem class is missing 'ProductType' (affects Chocolatey)

50809  Multiple .NET 4.x application installers fail due to 'MSINetAssemblySupport' property returning incorrect version (IronPython 2.7.5)

50826  .NET applications fail to start with Wine-Mono: 'The file C:\windows\mono\mono-2.0\lib/mscorlib.dl

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Wine 6.5发布 支持OpenCL 1.2

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