Total Commander是一个功能强大的全能文件管理器,支持随意自定义的菜单、工具栏、快捷键,给您最大的自由.一般的文件操作,如搜索、复制、移动、改 名、删除等功能应有尽有,更有文件内容比较、同步文件夹、批量重命名文件、分割合并文件、创建/检查文件校验(MD5/SFV) 等实用功能. 内 置 ZIP/TAR/GZ/TGZ 格式的压缩/解压功能,ZIP格式还支持创建加密及自解包功能.此外,不仅可以直接打开(解开) ARJ/CAB/RAR/LZH/ACE/UC2 等压缩包,配合插件或相应的压缩程序,更可创建这些格式的压缩包,就像创建和打开文件夹一样简单.而搜索功能,无论是文件还是内容,同样支持在这些压缩包中进行.

10.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 1 10.05.10 Fixed: Port connection to other PC (LPT or USB): Server could crash when there were too many files with extra-long names in the visited directory 10.05.10 Added: Correctly install and uninstall 64-bit cglptnt.sys (to be added later) 09.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: Show error if "change directory" to given path on server fails 09.05.10 Added: Use optimized MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 functions from DCPcrypt Cryptographic Component Library v2, Copyright (c) 1999-2003 David Barton (MIT license) 07.05.10 Added: Check SHA256 checksum files (creation isn't currently supported) 06.05.10 Fixed: cglptnt.sys was not working when there are gaps between LPT ports, e.g. LPT1+LPT3 or just LPT3 06.05.10 Fixed: Parallel port connection had stopped working between beta 7 and 8 06.05.10 Fixed: More crashes when viewing files with F3 from archives and closing the viewer