eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.2

2010年06月03日 18:02 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
“忍者骡”eMule MorphXT Mod是第一个较著名的eMule修改版本,03年1月23日 开始开发。这款eMule Mod用户众多,基于它也衍生修改出了不少Mod,如StulleMule,MagicAngel,EastShare等等。MorphXT较适合上传者 使用,是一款发布利器,能够强力智能上传等。
MorphXT继4月26日更新之后,德国程序员stulle于6月2日再次更新了 v12.1与v12.2。前一日的v12.1版有些问题,作者Stulle几小时后迅速更新了12.2,v12.1基本被跳过。

ip2country的界面完善、文件更新与本人所添加的更多国家与地 区的旗帜(Webhosting版和我们所翻译的ip2country完全支持,显示 无误);修复下载大于4GB的大文件出错的问题;Vista与Win7防火墙设置和安装时的检测;一些关于类别管理的修改;GUI界面的小修改,等等。


MorphXT v12.0以及之后的版本从Xtreme加入了一些反吸血特性,比之前有一些提高。

MorphXT v12.2 下载(bin二进制包,即“绿色版本”,解压即用)
(这里的已经打包好了最新版emule-fans的server.metipfilter.dat、 staticservers.dat、emule-security.net的nodes.dat、 webhosting.info英文版ip-to-country.csv, 打包日期:106003。MXT 原文件链接

MorphXT v12.2 安装文件 下载(installer安装文件,安装后使用)

MorphXT v12.2 源代码 下载(给程序员的源代码。源 代码+库

初级用户可以使用installer安装向导(当然也可以使用bin.zip“绿色”压缩包);高级用户可直接使用bin.zip压缩包;程序员可 下载源代码。

更换emule mod的用户可参考:如何安全、彻底、有效地更换eMule Mod

eMule MorphXT在sourceforge的项目页
eMule官方 网站上的MorphXT v12.2发布贴
eMule 官方网站
通过ed2k文件共享链接获取最新版的“忍者骡”——eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.2:


Hi people,

Despite numerous delays I am happy to finally give you 12.1. This version is fixing some errors and improves some other functions. If you got 12.1 I am really sorry for any troubles. 12.2 Hotfix fixes your troubles. Also be sure to update *all* country files!

This version fixes the bug with downloading large files (>4GB). It also adds the possibility to display more countries, thanks to tomchen1989's contribution. Additionally, it now offers the possibility to update the ip-to-country.cvs on a weekly bases automatically.

The installer has also been overhauled and now offers more functionality for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Other functions have been fixed, as well.

For more please see the changelog below. Thanks fly out to the usual people. Additional thanks go to Wiz whom I was having nice discussions with and who reviewed some of the code.

Regards, Stulle

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.2
03-06-2010 *HOTFIX*
Fixed: Crash bug in ip2country [Stulle]
Fixed: Improper localization of Weekly IP2Country update checkbox [Stulle]
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.1
ADD: Weekly update option for ip-to-country.csv file [Stulle]
ADD: Working Windows Firewall settings for Vista and above in installer [Stulle]
ADD: Some more countries to country flags feature [tomchen1989]
CHANGE: Increase size for displaying strings in Morph First Start Wiz [Stulle]
CHANGE: Display log warnings on error auto updating ipfilter rar file [Stulle]
CHANGE: Show cat name for scheduler cat actions in preferences window [Stulle]
CHANGE: Label value for weekly update consistently [Stulle]
CHANGE: Cat related scheduler items are added with -1 (All) value [Stulle]
CHANGE: Update GUI when reloading share via scheduler [Stulle/WiZaRd]
CHANGE: Make user data dir default config dir for installer on Vista and above [Stulle]
CHANGE: Allow to show Default tab seperately on Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Do not show file names if Web Interface user may not see according cat [Stulle]
+ Applies to all files in incoming dir of cat unless an allowed cat has same dir
FIX: Download of large files was broken [Stulle]
FIX: Compiling settings for VS03 in emule_site_config.h [Stulle]
FIX: Some typos in ressource strings [Heiler]
FIX: Fake check via fakes list was not working [WiZaRd]
+ thanks for the brainstorming, exchange of ideas and cleaner solution!
FIX: Fakes list could not handle entries with huge file sizes (>uint32) properly [Stulle]
FIX: Country flags did not work in DownloadClientsListCtrl [morph4u]
FIX: Setting for PowerShare limit was not limited [jerryBG]
FIX: webservice.dat entry for peerates file stats [Motor]
FIX: Windows Firewall settings for XP/ Server 2003 in installer [Stulle]
FIX: Lang files weren't installed properly if location of datafiles wasn't default [Stulle]
REMOVED: Some unused code around the Slot Limiter (limit to number) [evcz]
REMOVED: webservice.dat entries for now defunct donkeyfakes links [Motor]
REMOVED: Redundant quotation marks in installer [Stulle/thx Heiler]
Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [jamjam]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [Rajil]

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eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.2

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