WinRAR 6.02 Beta 1 发布

2021年05月17日 16:11 次阅读 稿源:cnBeta.COM 条评论

流行好用的压缩工具,支持鼠标拖放及外壳扩展,完美支持 ZIP 档案,内置程序可以解开 CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO 等多种类型的压缩文件。重要提示:因ACE模块重大漏洞,WinRAR从5.70 beta 1始不再支持ACE格式压缩档。



Version 6.02 beta 1

1. ZIP SFX module refuses to process SFX commands stored in archive

comment if such comment is resided after beginning of Authenticode

digital signature. It is done to prevent possible attacks with

inclusion of ZIP archive into the signature body.

We already prohibited extracting contents of such malformed archives

in WinRAR 6.01.

We are thankful to FireEye Mandiant team for reporting this issue.

2. WinRAR uses https instead of http in the web notifier window,

home page and themes links. It also implements additional checks

within the web notifier. This is done to prevent a malicious web page

from executing existing files on a user's computer. Such attacks

are only possible if the intruder has managed to spoof or otherwise

control user's DNS records. Other factors are also involved

in limiting its practical application, including a security alert

prompt asking for a user's confirmation before opening a malicious page.

We would like to express our gratitude to Igor Sak-Sakovskiy

for bringing this issue to our attention.

3. Where appropriate, SFX archive displays the additional line

with detailed error information provided by operating system.

For example, previously such archive would display "Cannot create file"

message alone. Now this message is followed by a detailed reason

like access denied or file being used by another process.

In the past this extended error information was available in WinRAR,

but not in SFX archives.

4. Switch -idn hides archived names also in 'v' and 'l' commands.

It can be useful if only the archive type or total information

is needed.

5. If -ibck -ri<priority> switches are used together, WinRAR process

sets the priority specified in -ri switch. Previous versions ignored

-ri and set the priority to low in the presence of -ibck switch.

6. When using "File/Change drive" command, WinRAR saves the last folder

of previous drive and restores it if that drive is selected again


7. Name of unpacking file is now included into WinRAR incorrect password

warning for RAR5 archives. It can be helpful when unpacking

a non-solid archive containing files encrypted with different passwords.

8. Bugs fixed:

a) "Convert archives" command issued erroneous "The specified password

is incorrect" message after succesfully converting RAR archive

with encrypted file names if new password was set and archive

was opened in WinRAR shell;

b) if command progress window was resized up and then quickly resized

down to original dimensions, window contents could be positioned


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WinRAR 6.02 Beta 1 发布

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