HyperSnap 6.81.05

2010年08月01日 08:49 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
HyperSnap-DX 是个屏幕抓图工具,它不仅能抓住标准桌面程序还能抓取 DirectX, 3Dfx Glide 游戏和视频或 DVD 屏幕图。本 程序能以 20 多种图形格式(包括:BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PCX 等)保存并阅读图片。可以用热键或自动记时器从屏幕上抓图。功能还包括:在所抓的图像中显示鼠标轨迹,收集工具,有调色板功能并能设置分辨率,还能选择从 TWAIN 装置中(扫描仪和数码相机)抓图。
Changes in HyperSnap 6.81.05, 2010.07.31:
A number of small bug fixes and improvements again:
* HTML clipboard format did not work in auto-copy mode.
* Colors were inverted in auto-copy mode when 256 color format was selected for bitmap copy.
* Always captured RTF text format from 64-bit programs, even if only plain text was required.
* Some WMF and EMF files read by HyperSnap were displayed with incorrect colors.
* Program became unresponsive if a file name given on the command line was not a graphics file.
* Improved display of 32-bit images used as stamps, when they use partial transparency in alpha channel.
* Importing an image into a new stamp (without other information set) automatically sets the total size of the stamp to the size of imported image.

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HyperSnap 6.81.05

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