eMule 0.50a Beba v2.62

2010年09月01日 10:17 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
eMule官方论坛(emule-project)的modder Tuxman于2010年8月31日发布了eMule 0.50a Beba v2.62。该Mod拥有Client Analyzer的反吸血检测机制,并且趋于轻量化,如果需要web远程管理,请自行下载Webserver模板文件, 如果需要多媒体文件信息扩展MediaInfo.dll文件,一样请去这里下载
eMule Beba 官方主页:http://beba.emulefuture.de/
eMule Beba使用帮助: http://beba.emulefuture.de/index.php?page=howto





There was not much actual development going on since I had released beba v2.61; but I missed something while updating beba to eMule 0.50a. The webserver settings were out of alignment; now they look fine again.
I also included Stulle's patch for downloading via sourceforge.net mirrors as I primarily use them, too.

See the official beba website for a complete feature list.
Here's the changelog indeed:


- fix (B): fixed misaligned PPgWebserver page [Tuxman]
- fix (o): SourceForge.net downloads failed [Stulle]

(if I forgot any credits, I'm sorry for a thousand times. Really!)

By the way: I'm still not going to implement any releasers' features! beba is - and was always intended to be - a "back to the roots" eD2K/Kad client for everyone who uses eMule to download files (what else should it be used for?), giving a f*** on any spread bar, Powershare stuff or GFX toys. You know, I still can't see the point in coloring my friends blue or whatever the newest click-click-colorful feature is...
Those who look for a releaser's eMule modification should have a look at the ZZUL BastarD mod or - for those who like to spend hours configuring their mod's features - NeoMule. You see, there are way too many all-round and releasers' mods out there, so why should I do the same? (-;

Please note anyway that I'm really interested in bug reports and feature requests (at least those matching my "rules", see above). If you have any, feel free to send me some message.

You don't like it? Don't use it!
However, running around on other boards and telling them that you have "never seen such a stupid buggy newbie mod before haha lol" ain't very helpful to me. (-;

If you completely dislike the "disconnected" tray icon and would prefer to see this one in the next version of beba, please leave some note in this thread or via PM!

Thanks to my testers for some important bug reports; you are the best ones! (-;

An updated Italian language .dll file is available here, thanks to the DarkForge.it team. More contributions are highly appreciated. If you want to use beba's web interface, you might also want to download the web server templates.

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eMule 0.50a Beba v2.62

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