老牌的系统安全辅助软件WinPatrol是Windows的看门狗,是一款出色的网络安全工具,能及时的发现蠕虫病毒、广告软件、间谍软件、 cookies、木马程序以及其它能攻击你电脑的恶意病毒.如果发现病毒,该程序会及时隔离,无需即时更新.它能告诉你那些程序是得到你允许的,而那些又 是违法运行的.从而有效的保护你的电脑免受其他恶意程序的破坏.
What's New in WinPatrol WinPatrol 19.3.2010.0:
- Fixed bug preventing activation on machines with stubburn firewalls Fixed bug causing WinPatrol's tabbed interface to open on reboot Enhanced abilable to find proper cookie folder Fixed bug in 64 bit systems that did not display all disabled Startup items and IE Helpers.
下载:WinPatrol 19.3.2010.1 "Cloud Edition"
- Fixed bug preventing activation on machines with stubburn firewalls Fixed bug causing WinPatrol's tabbed interface to open on reboot Enhanced abilable to find proper cookie folder Fixed bug in 64 bit systems that did not display all disabled Startup items and IE Helpers.
下载:WinPatrol 19.3.2010.1 "Cloud Edition"