国外很权威的防病毒软件评测给了NOD32很高的分数.在全球共获得超过40多个奖项,包括Virus Bulletin, PC Magazine, ICSA认证, Checkmark认证等, 更加是全球唯一通过50多次VB100%测试的防毒软件,高据众产品之榜首!产品线很长,从DOS,Windows 9x/Me,Windows NT/XP/2000/2003/Vista,到Novell Netware Server、Linux、BSD等,都有提供.可以对邮件进行实时监测,占用内存资源较少,清除病毒的速度效果都令人满意.
Changes in NOD32 Antivirus 4.2.67:
* Fix: Outlook 2010 crashes when emptying the "Deleted Items" folder
* Fix: System stalls during logon
* Fix: Rare ESET service and SysInspector crashes
* Fix: Slow saving files to shared folders
下载:NOD32 Antivirus 4.2 (64-bit)
* Fix: Outlook 2010 crashes when emptying the "Deleted Items" folder
* Fix: System stalls during logon
* Fix: Rare ESET service and SysInspector crashes
* Fix: Slow saving files to shared folders
Size: 42.0 MB
下载:NOD32 Antivirus 4.2 (32-bit)下载:NOD32 Antivirus 4.2 (64-bit)