Serv-U 是目前众多的FTP 服务器软件之一.通过使用Serv-U,用户能够将任何一台PC 设置成一个FTP 服务器, 这样,用户或其他使用者就能够使用FTP 协议,通过在同一网络上的任何一台PC与FTP 服务器连接,进行文件或目录的复制,移动,创建,和删除等.这里提到的FTP 协议是专门被用来规定计算机之间进行文件传输的标准和规则,正是因为有了象FTP 这样的专门协议,才使得人们能够通过不同类型的计算机,使用不同类型的操作系统,对不同类型的文件进行相互传递.
下载:Serv-U v10.4.0.0
Serv-U was released January 25, 2011. A complete list of changes and upgrades follows:
Features:- Updated OpenSSL libraries from 0.9.8o to 0.9.8q.
- Substantially improved HTTPS speed and memory usage, especially on local or very fast connections.
- Added a setting to allow or disallow (default) directory recursion for FTP listings. This setting is found under the "Advanced Options" for the "LIST" and "NLST" FTP commands. Previous versions defaulted to allow, customers wanting this feature enabled must enable it manually.
- Added an advanced setting to apply server and domain directory access rules before the user and group settings are applied allowing system administrators to easily allow or disallow certain file types throughout the server or domain.
- Added an HTTP setting to allow or disallow maintaining (keeping) the dates and times of files uploaded using FTP Voyager JV.
- Added an HTTP setting to allow or disallow HTTP IP addresses to change. This adds extra security to HTTP sessions but when disabled, mobile devices, such as mobile phones, may not function since their IP addresses can change frequently.
- Added meta-tags to each HTML file to prevent robots from indexing Serv-U installations.
- Added the ability to filter search results by files only, directories only, or both in the Web Client.
- Changed client-side password changing to disallow empty new passwords.
- Updated FTP Voyager JV edit and view menu icons to new style.
- Updated FTP Voyager JV help file screen shots.
- Changed the placement of the "Refresh" button in the Web Client to next to the crumb bar.
- Updated the session activity listings in the Management Console to detect the new user agent string for the Google Chrome browser.
- Updated Mobile Web Client button icons.
- Updated the loading dialogs in the Web Client to use the Web Client logo image.
- Updated Spanish Help file strings for Serv-U and FTP Voyager JV.
- Updated FTP Voyager JV's "Thumbnail" icons.
- Updated FTP Voyager JV's status bar so it's easier to read from the left side.
- Added an automatic resume feature for FTP Voyager JV for lost connections.