电骡天使版 eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.1 发布

2011年06月03日 13:49 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
电骡爱好者们最常用的eMule mods之一,“刀疤天使骡”eMule ScarAngel Mod的新版v4.1于近日由Stulle发布。它基于eMule v0.50a Xtreme 8.1修改。维护者Stulle在发布帖中表达了他的兴奋之情,他用“Fun Fun Fun Fun!”来形容这款新版Mod。
新版ScarAngel的主要更新包括部分界面、图标、迷你骡(minimule)以及WebInterface(网页远程控制)、下载分类、 Superior Clients等的改进,显示更多信息如下载上传文件块的详情、剩余上传时间的估测值等,对强力发布、SOTN等也有一些小修改。详细的英文更新日志见下方。


下载ScarAngel v4.1:
eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.1 打包压缩档(新手推荐)

eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.1 压缩档(老手推荐)

eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.1 安装包

eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.1 源代码

  • eMule ScarAngel Mod在eMule官方论坛的发布贴
  • eMule ScarAngel Mod官方主页
  • SourceForge上旧版ScarAngel下载

  • 从旧版ScarAngel更新到新版,可以直接用新版的emule.exe覆盖原来的。如果想更彻底地更新,或者需要从其他eMule换用到ScarAngel,请参考《如何安全、彻底、有效地更换eMule Mod》。
    电驴(eD2k)链接下载eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.1 电驴(eD2k)链接


    eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.1:
    - 01.06.2011 -
    based on eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.1 compiled with vs2010 SP1

    Added: Some more icons in DownloadListCtrl context menu [SiRoB] - Stulle
    Added: "No to all" option for backup nagging dialog in Backup window [Stulle] - Stulle
    Added: Downloading Chunk Detail Display (idea for usage in DlClients by JvA) [SiRoB] - Stulle
    Added: Uploading Chunk Detail Display [SiRoB/Fafner] - Stulle
    Added: Display remaining upload time (estimation!) [Stulle] - Stulle
    Added: Option to optimize mod GUI addons & more feature optimization for NT Service [Stulle] - Stulle
    + CPU/MEM information, TBH: MiniMule, Toolbar Speedmeter, Show queue count/progress bar
    Added: requpfile optimization [SiRoB] - Stulle

    Changed: Download icons in SearchListCtrl context menu [SiRoB] - Stulle
    Changed: Backup dialog strings can now be localized [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Show Client UL and DL in Transferred column of DownloadListCtrl [SiRoB] - Stulle
    Changed: Show all clients that are not banned in On Queue list of WebInterface [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Display if a client has credits in On Queue list of WebInterface [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Hide file names in Multi WebInterface if file shared in unaccessable cat [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Do not allow downloading of files with hidden file name in WebInterface [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Clipboard ed2k link file watch now queues into category selection [leuk_he] - Stulle
    Changed: Displayed ed2k link list in category selection can be scrolled through [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Allow incoming folder of default cat to be customized [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Show cat name for scheduler cat actions [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Cat related scheduler items are added with -1 (All) value [Stulle]
    Changed: Open Incoming Folder Fix for incoming folders of categories [CommanderGER] - Stulle
    Changed: Rewrote the code determining if a NTService optimization should be done [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Add superior clients after last superior client in upload [Stulle] - Stulle
    + Until now superior clients were added in first position, regardlessly
    Changed: Move Superior clients down in upload when they hit a chunk border [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Do not display PowerShare or Fair Play for bad clients [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Scale both upload and download to max in speed graph of TBH MiniMule [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Display if client is superior in WebInterface and sort accordingly [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Optimized code that checks if sup clients are on queue [Stulle] - Stulle
    Changed: Stop searching for sup clients on queue if one was found [Stulle] - Stulle
    + concerns: Keep Sup clients in up if there is no other sup client in queue
    Changed: Take sup state into account when retrieving queue rank of enqueued clients [Stulle] - Stulle

    Fixed: On setting new Friendslots via WebInterface old Friendslots were not removed [Stulle] - Stulle
    Fixed: Potential NULL-pointer around TBH: MiniMule in TrayDialog [Stulle] - Stulle
    Fixed: MiniMule did not open when minimizing to tray with Static Tray activated [Stulle] - Stulle
    Fixed: SOTN could be activated for partfiles when enabled in preferences [Stulle] - Stulle
    Fixed: FairPlay was displayed for partfiles in Upload List [Stulle] - Stulle
    Fixed: WebServer progress text did not work when file completed [Stulle] - Stulle

    Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
    Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; French [jamjam]; Spanish [Rajil/mself563];
    Italian [xilolee/EvolutionCrazy]; Turkish (partially) [omeringen]
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    电骡天使版 eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.1 发布

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