Messenger Plus!

2011年09月09日 07:05 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
一款可以为MSN加上一系列的方便的功能的软件.比如保存历史纪录、使用IRC命令、隐藏广告栏等等,大大的增强了 MSN的功能.主要功能:聊天记录自动 保存/好友动态全面追踪/轻松管理联系人/文本格式由我定/你的长名我截短/强大的发送功能/自定义快捷文本/Appearance(外观)选项 /Text Recall(文字召回)选项/Contact Sounds(联系人声音)选项.
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New Features:
  • Easy Skin Creator: Select your favourite picture as the contact list or chat window background image in just a few clicks. (Really! Try it by selecting the Plus! Skin Designer/Easy Skin Creator menu option).
  • Dynamic Skin Editor: You can now edit your existing skins within WLM or create new ones and view the results instantly without requiring a reboot (Try it by selecting the Plus! Skin Designer/Edit Current Skin menu option). The following features are currently available in WLM 2009 and WLM 2011:
    • Affecting more than 30 visual elements from WLM:
      • Change the background image or color.
      • Change the text color.
      • Change transparency (WLM 2011 only).
    • Modify the skin info.
    • Create a new skin from an existing one (initial author credentials are still being displayed).
    • Quickly undo any modifications.
  • Quick web search: in the contact list search box, type "?" followed by whatever you are looking for and you will get the search results in the social pane.
  • Web browsing in the social pane (type the URL in the contact list search field).
  • Chat assistant featuring tabbed contact information, events and notes. (Right click on a contact/ Plus! features/Contact info…).
  • Locally rename your contacts. Try it in the preferences under Appearance\Contact List\Manage Contacts on the contacts that you wish to rename.
  • Multi-network support provided to the contacts info window (Yahoo, Facebook, …)
  • Merge Facebook and WLM chat logs within the same folder.
  • Addition of a refresh button within the Log Viewer. It is no longer necessary to close/reopen Log Viewer to refresh logs.
  • Introducing the Plus! World social pane in the WLM 2011 full view. You can consult:
    • Skins, scripts, emoticons.
    • Search the web.
    • Get the latest news and much more...
  • The Plus! World social pane is also available in WLM 2009 through a brand new window that simulates the WLM 2011 social pane.
  • Proudly displaying the "With Plus!" insignia on the WLM login screen.
  • Re-instating the old Unlock Messenger function and added support for multiple accounts.
  • Enabling Personal Status Message (PSM) for scripter in WLM 2011.
  • Added BB codes support applicable to the entire PSM which should be inside brackets.
  • Implementation of formatting codes for nicknames in WLM 2011 (Try it by clicking on your image in the contact list).
  • Skins now have their own default “About Skin” window if not provided by skinners.
  • Introducing preliminary dynamic image control in Messenger UI. The first usage of this feature is demonstrated by the dancing Plussy in the contact list (To try it, select the Enable Animated Icon option from the Messenger Plus! menu in the contact list).
  • Introducing the visual logging status. If you enable chat logging, you'll see an red light flashing on the top right of the chat window.
  • Simplified the configuration wizard.
  • The tree list background image in preferences dialog has been updated.
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Messenger Plus!

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      created by ceallan