Total Commander 8.0 beta 1 for Windows 发布

2011年09月18日 07:32 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
感谢luh assis的投递
Total Commander是一款著名的磁盘文件管理软件,体积小巧但功能强大,可以完全取代资源管理器。除了具有一般的文件管理功能外,还能实现文件比较、快速搜索、快速查看、批量重命名、压缩、解压、分割、合并、编码、解码,FTP连接以及图像浏览等功能。
Total Commander 8.0是第一款同时发布32位和64位的版本,但64位版本的插件较少。新版本修正了大量bug也增加了许多新特性,如64位版本执行文件名是totalcm64.exe,可以与32位版本安装在同一文件夹;等等。

New Features:

September 16, 2011: Total Commander 8.0 beta 1 is now available for download. This is the first version available both in 32-bit and 64-bit.
This is a beta version! Please use it only for test purposes! Since 32-bit plugins cannot be used by 64-bit programs, they need to be converted first. Therefore there will not be many plugins available initially for 64-bit. If you use plugins extensively, you should keep using the 32-bit version. You can install both in parallel to the same directory. Just install the 32-bit version before the 64-bit version, otherwise uninstalling the 32-bit version will damage the 64-bit version.
Download Total Commander 8.0 beta 1:
WARNING: This is a pre-release version. Do not use this version with critical data!

Download Total Commander 8.0 beta 1:
  • 32-bit (Windows 95 up to Windows 7, 32-bit AND 64-bit!)
  • 64-bit (Windows XP,Vista and 7, ONLY 64-bit!)
  • Note: These links will expire in 3 hours. You need to refresh this page if you get a download error.
    See our Forum for a list of problems and errors encountered with the beta version.
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    Total Commander 8.0 beta 1 for Windows 发布

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