WinZip 16.0 Build 9661

2011年10月25日 13:47 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
WinZip是Windows系统中最受欢迎的档案压缩工具也是一个强大而易用的工具.它可以迅速压缩和解压您的档案以节省磁盘空间或是减少电子邮件传输时间,此 外 WinZip支持128位和256位AES加密功能,让使用者在传递具有高度机密性的数据能够不易让其它人轻易解档.并且支持目前最新版操作系统 Windows Vista 的Aero界面.WinZip是世界各国数以千计的政府机关、教育单位、银行电信、公司与组织及无数的普通用户所爱好喜用的压缩工具.
下载:WinZip 16.0 Build 9661

WinZip 16.0 introduces:

  • powerful 64-bit zip engine upgrade for maximum zipping speed
  • seamless integration with WinZip's breakthrough file delivery web service, ZipSend.
  • the ability to send very large Zip files (up to 2GB) using ZipSend
  • instant access to WinZip's NEW Facebook app, ZipShare
  • the ability to zip and post any type of file (up to 20MB) to Facebook using ZipShare
  • the ability to zip and write files to Blu-ray Disc directly from the WinZip window
  • the ability to convert other major compression file formats to Zip format
  • extended preview functionality for other major compression file formats
  • the ability to scan and diagnose PC performance issues using WinZip's built-in System Scanner tool
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WinZip 16.0 Build 9661

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