FlashFXP 4.1.3 Build 1663

2011年10月29日 06:27 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
FlashFXP是一款功能强大的FXP/FTP软件,集成了其它优秀的FTP软件的优点,如CuteFTP的目录比较,支持彩色文字显示;如BpFTP 支持多目录选择文件,暂存目录;又如LeapFTP的界面设计。
4.1.4 maintenance release
  • Fixed upload performance issue, after lots of testing and research I have determined that the problem is related to windows "Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level" setting. If you experience a slow down in this release vs previous releases please let me know via the forums.
  • Fixed custom command token %f when executing a command via the FTP search dialog. It was returning the path + filename instead of just the filename. (bug #582)
  • Fixed custom command token %c to correctly handle multiple commands separated by CR/LF.
  • Fixed the Active Edits dialog would automatically appear after restoring the main window, this issue only appeared on versions of windows prior to Vista.
  • Fixed auto reconnect on remote server move folder/file, the connection was restored but the operation was not executed if the main window did not have focus. (Bug #586)
  • Fixed the "swap panes" feature wasn't swapping the text shown on the status-bar. (Bug #587)
  • Fixed defect when performing a custom command after a loss of connection (i.e idle timeout), The connection is restored but the command wasn't always sent. (Bug #585)
  • Improved SFTP upload speed on OpenSSH servers.
  • Improved command line switch parser. (bug #594)
  • Fixed after performing a en-queued remote file delete operation the directory listing wasn't refreshed.

下载:FlashFXP 4.1.3 Build 1663
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FlashFXP 4.1.3 Build 1663

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