06.01.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 15 (32/64)
06.01.12 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CopyDirsAsAdmin=1: When a directory cannot be copied, then: 0: skip it, 1: ask user, 2: always try as administrator (32/64)
06.01.12 Added: Copy function: Show error when a directory cannot be entered, allow to use "As admin" and "All as admin" functions (32/64)
05.01.12 Fixed: Search function: Infinite loop detection was not working (it worked in other functions like "calculate occupied space") (32/64)
05.01.12 Fixed: cd c:\path\file.zip did not place cursor on "file.zip" if the file wasn't a valid archive although it had an archive extension (32/64)
05.01.12 Fixed: Internal ZIP and TAR packer: Do not stop packing when moving files to archives, one archive per file/folder, and at least one file is write protected. Instead, report error after packing all files (32/64)
05.01.12 Fixed: When minimizing and restoring TC while the cursor was on the last file, the last line became only partially visible (64)
04.01.12 Fixed: Menu hotkeys displayed in the main menu could be slightly cut on Windows Vista/7 (where they are right-aligned) (32/64)
04.01.12 Fixed: Reduced flickering when loading Lister (caused by ShowInTaskbar:=stAlways) (64)
04.01.12 Fixed: Inplace rename: option "Select only the file name when renaming" not working when invoked via right click menu or command cm_renameonly - use a timer because something(?) is re-selecting the entire name (64)
04.01.12 Fixed: Try not to handle mouse move messages while context menu is open (problem only affects tablet PCs with SingleClickStart mode - untested) (32/64)
29.12.11 Fixed: FTP connection details: Keep surrounding quotes around remote directory if user enters them (32/64)
29.12.11 Fixed: Default beep when closing master password dialog with ENTER also when secure input was disabled (64)
29.12.11 Fixed: Always release mouse capture when moving mouse over list window while left button not pressed, otherwise clicking in other panel may fail (64)
下载:Total Commander 8.0 Beta 15