What's new in PerfectDisk build 8.00.63
* PerfectDisk Command Center
- If you ran the Fragmentation report, the Alert report and the Fragmentation report again, some columns disappeared. This has been fixed.
- When Saving or Printing the Alert report, an extra column was added. This is was a hidden column used for initial sorting. This has been fixed.
- In the Managed Computers dialog, Vista machines were not displayed. This has been fixed.
- When using the Configure Client Settings Wizard, you could set the Proxy settings associated with the AutoUpdate settings, however you could not clear them. This has been fixed.
- On the Machine View tab, the Next Scheduled Run date was not always populated. This can occur if you have a one time schedule which has already been executed. This has been fixed.
* PerfectDisk Client
- When performing a boot-time defrag pass on Vista with the pagefile on a non-system drive, you received an Access Denied message. This was due to the IO manager opening and closing a handle to the pagefile. NTFS does not monitor for closing of the pagefile. We have worked around this issue.
- When performing a boot-time defrag pass on a volume which was shrunken using the Drive Manager on Vista, PerfectDisk failed with a buffer overflow error. This was because when the drive was shrunken, the $Bitmap file was not reduced to match the drive size. We have worked around this issue.
- Single file defrag was not supported on unmounted drives. This has been fixed.
- There was a display issue when manually defragmenting an Exchange data store. This has been corrected.
- When un-installing PerfectDisk you sometimes received the following error in the event log: "SELECT * FROM PDEvent" whose target class "PDEvent" does not exist". This has been fixed.
- When using Find File the color displayed for the selected file sometimes changed. There was a bug which caused this if the first block being displayed contained files of different categories. This has been fixed.
- Changes were made to the Screen Saver schedule to stop quicker on Win2000 and XP, and to run on Vista.
- Localization support was added for German and Japanese.
- Unmovable files were sometimes listed twice in the statistics. This has been fixed.
- The UI could sometimes exit on a race condition when defragmenting multiple Exchange data stores. This only affected the display and not the actual defrag pass. This has been corrected.
- If a boot-time defrag pass was set for next reboot, and an online defrag pass was executed on the same drive, the offline pass was cancelled. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a display issue with PerfectDisk logs. If your time zone was GMT+ then log display was incorrect and delayed. You would observe the log file as being empty until some period of time passed and them the logs would populate. This has been fixed.
- Additional code was added to allow PerfectDisk for Exchange to log more information to the application event log.
PerfectDisk v8.00.63
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