FeedDemon v2.5.0.4 Beta 3a

2007年04月14日 05:27 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
FeedDemon是Windows 平台最受欢迎的RSS阅读软件,它具有简单友好的用户界面,使您可以快速抓取最新的新闻和信息。您可以完全自定义组织和显示Feed 的方式,设置自定义的基于关键词的新闻监视器。预先配置的众多Feed,让您可以立即开始使用它。其内建的Podcast接收程序可以下载音乐文件到您的 移动音频设备。另外,FeedDemon可以与NewsGator Online自动同步,并与Bloglines等流行的RSS服务集成。
FeedDemon 2.5 Beta 3a Release Notes
Build / April 12, 2007
What's new in Beta 3

   * Added: Completely rewritten "Popular Topics," including the ability to see what's popular in everyone's subscriptions (ie: everyone using NewsGator Online)
   * Added: "Keyword View" added to view styles - shows all feeds containing a specific word in their title
   * Added: Significant performance boost when changing views
   * Added: When mousing over a feed, the status bar now shows its folder name when the current view doesn't include folder
   * Added: Separate tray icon when working offline
   * Changed: Subscription tree uses "Vista" style
   * Fixed: Surfer colors look wrong with many WindowsBlinds skins
   * Fixed: Subscriptions scroll back to the top after right-clicking
   * Fixed: Subscription background color doesn't update after changing Windows theme
   * Fixed: Items deleted from synched news bins aren't synchronized between clients (87957)
   * Fixed: Significant delay between clicking "Update all feeds" and the update being performed
   * Fixed: NewsGator API call at startup even when no synched feeds exist
   * Fixed: Scheduled updating doesn't occur when no synched feeds exist and sync polling frequency isn't the same as feed update frequency (87959)(78987)
   * Fixed: Changing views on Windows Vista sometimes re-arranges order of watches and news bins
   * Fixed: "Scrubber" code fails to remove text between (not a security risk - just looked bad)
   * Fixed: Exception when importing from common feed list when it doesn't contain any subscriptions (88033)
   * Fixed: "Who's linking here" popup window misbehaves
   * Fixed: "String literal" exception when building popular topics (88490) (beta 3a)
   * Fixed: Progress dialog stays on top of other windows (beta 3a)
   * Fixed: Hidden popular topics don't stay hidden (beta 3a)
   * Fixed: Duplicate titles "Popular in Everyone's Subscriptions" (beta 3a)

Known Issues
   * "Who's linking here" sometimes returns no external results, even when they do exist
   * Turning off the RSS feed for one synched news bin may turn off all synched news bin feeds
   * Read/flagged states aren't synchronized in synched news bins
   * Items clipped to the root clippings folder online aren't synched with FeedDemon


v2.5.0.4 Beta 3a 官方下载:

v2.1.0.10 Final 官方下载:
v2.1.0.10 Final “gongcheng”汉化版下载:(03.14更新~)


FeedDemon v2.5.0.4 Beta 3a

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