ACDSee Pro 2.0.146 Public Beta - 全新的ACDSee

2007年05月04日 07:35 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
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New in Public Beta: Works on Windows Vista

RAW Viewing and Editing

View your RAW images with lightning-fast image previews and support for most RAW formats from DSLR cameras including Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony, Olympus, FujiFilm, Leica, Leaf, Panasonic and Kodak. View the full list of supported RAW formats. New in Public Beta: Even faster viewing, better quality and more non-destructive RAW editing features. With new background RAW processing, continue your workflow while ACDSee Pro completes your RAW editing. Get better image quality and detail with improved demosaicing and white balance. Speed up your workflow by cropping or rotating your RAW images, and copying RAW settings to multiple images.

New in Public Beta: Channel Mixer

Adjust each color channel independently with ACDSee Pro’s new Channel Mixer capabilities.

Sorting & Tagging

Save editing time by quickly sorting and selecting preferred photographs. Includes adjustable thumbnail views, quick side-by-side compare, and rating functionalities.

Fastest Image Browser

Use keywords and the Quick Search bar to find your photos almost instantly. New in Public Beta: ACDSee Pro 2.0 automatically categorizes your images based on data from your camera, including date, camera model, aperture, and more. Extended browsing capabilities also include Filter By, Group By, Private Folders and the convenient Calendar View.

Batch Processing

Edit thousands of photographs at once to save you the trouble of doing it individually. Batch resize, rotate, and rename your files to get tedious work done faster. Make the same changes to hundreds of images at once. New in Public Beta: Export your RAW photos to multiple folders and multiple formats in one step.


Easily fix common lens distortions such as perspective, barrel, pincushion, and fish-eye. New in Public Beta: ACDSee Pro’s patent pending Local Contrast Enhancement feature allows you to easily and quickly correct underexposure and suboptimal lighting conditions found in the majority of digital photos.

Image Compare

Compare up to four images side-by-side to pick your best shots.

IPTC Support

Get support for IPTC core fields with XMP. New in Public Beta: Shift time stamps on multiple images at once.


Mark your photographs with graphics or text to reflect copyright and ownership laws, or to overlay business-related information on specific photographs.

Customizable Features

Browser layouts, short-cut keys, and metadata that meet your personal requirements and streamline your workflow.

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ACDSee Pro 2.0.146 Public Beta - 全新的ACDSee

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