Messenger Plus! Live 4.21.270 (16/05/2007)
- Added support for the new "I'm" emoticons of Messenger 8.1 in various Messenger Plus! windows.
- Some improvements for script developers:
- The script editor window remembers its size and position.
- A "find text" window has been added to the script editor, accessible from the Options menu or with Ctrl+F.
- On error, the script debugging window now displays the file name associated with the line number where the error occurred.
- This version includes access to the 6th anniversary contest that will start in about a week from now. This will be removed in the next version when the contest is over. For more information, check out the announcement on msgpluslive.net.
- A new selection criteria has been added for event notifications. You can now choose to create notifications that automatically apply to contacts with opened conversation windows. Useful for example to get notified when someone signs-out unexpectedly if you don't notice it in the chat window.
- No extra header is added to chat logs anymore when closing a chat window and reopening it soon after. The default timeout for new session headers is 10 minutes and can be modified with the new ChatLogSessionWait registry setting.
- To help people who customize the looks of their Messenger Plus! chat logs, if a "custom.css" file is found in the Messenger Plus!'s installation directory, it is automatically copied in the directory of newly created XHTML chat log files (only if no custom.css file already exits in the destination directory).
- Blocked contacts are now displayed with the grey offline buddy icon when needed in tabbed chats and desktop contact windows.
- An option has been added to display the e-mail of the current user in the tooltip of the systray icon (mostly useful when using several accounts together, enabled by default).
- The contact name displayed in custom event notifications can now be modified by formatting the message like this: \Name\Message.
- A Turkish translation has been added to the setup.
- Added a new fail-safe mechanism to add the "Plus! Not Loaded" menu in more failure circumstances, to inform the user of the problem.
- The setup uses a better compression method and is now even smaller than it was for version 4.00.
- Scripts from the previous script developer contest are not included anymore (they can all be downloaded from the site).
- The default font for HTML chat logs has been changed from Microsoft Sans Serif to MS Shell Dlg (which actually maps to your system's default UI font). This was changed in Messenger some time ago and the change in Messenger Plus! will reduce the size of HTML log files generated with the default font (the logs will look the same as before).
- If several event notifications apply to the same user and have exactly the same parameters (message & sound), the notifications are not duplicated.
- When a script is installed, enabled or disabled, the change is reflected in every Messenger currently running. When that happens, all the scripts in the other instances are restarted. To avoid causing problems to script developers, creating a new script or editing an existing one will not trigger an automatic reload in the other instances.
- Fixed: scripts or add-ons that add a systray icon can cause problems to some of the Messenger Plus! features.
- Fixed: the new enhanced text copy feature does not support RTF (formatting attributes are not copied with the text).
- Fixed: the enhanced text copy feature is not used when pressing Ctrl+Ins or Shift+Del.
- Fixed: Messenger Plus! notification popups do not stack and appear one at a time.
- Fixed: encrypted logs cannot be generated nor read on some Windows accounts if the Messenger Plus! keyset container got corrupted.
- Fixed: auto-update setup does not launch on Windows Vista (fixed for future auto-updates, excluding this version).
- Fixed: Messenger Lock does not sign-out the current user if his status is appear-offline (when "sign-out" is the status selected for the lock).
- Fixed: chat windows cannot be opened anymore and Messenger may crash if a third-party software is used to close a tabbed chat window.
- Fixed: bug introduced in the last version. Tabbed chats don't flash when some special actions such as /me commands or winks are received.
- Scripts: fixed a problem with rich edit controls re-appearing after a position change of the parent.
- Scripts: added EditBox_SetCurSel, EditBox_ReplaceSel, EditBox_GetCurSelStart, EditBox_GetCurSelEnd, RichEdit_GetTextRange and RichEdit_SetCharFormat to PlusWnd objects to simplify working with edit controls.
- Scripts: Interop::Call and Interop::Call2 now accept up to 12 parameters so that functions like CreateWindowEx can be called if needed.
- Scripts: fixed title bar draw glitch when sending WM_SETICON to an interface window.
- Scripts: OnEvent_Timer function calls are not automatically displayed in the Script Debugging window anymore. This prevents the window from filling up with continuous repetitive calls.
- And yes, many other small things fixed here and there that are not worth mentioning :-).
Messenger Plus! Live 是 Windows Live Messenger 不可或缺的外掛程式,就這麼簡單。自從 2001 年成為簡單的 MSN Messenger 3 外掛直到現在,被安裝一億五千萬次後, Messenger Plus! 保證可以大大增進您使用 Messenger 的經驗。你得到的將不會是一兩樣新功能,而會是有著新氣象的 Windows Live Messenger。
藉由完整的規劃來加強你即時傳訊的使用經驗。在不造成你不便的情況下,Plus! 為 Windows Live Messenger 增加了許多功能。你隨時可以從 Messenger 視窗的 Plus! 清單與 Messenger 介面的新按鈕來使用它們:

增強的你的聊天經驗: 讓它們更有效率也更有趣

你正在使用分頁瀏覽器嗎? 就算沒有,你也會發現分頁聊天功能非常有用,它可以將多數的視窗合併為簡單的單一視窗。垂直頁籤在左邊,正常的頁籤則在上方,一切由你決定。你也可以使用頁籤來合併某些特定的聊天視窗,讓剩下的停留在正常視窗下。

對於重複輸入相同的文字感到厭倦嗎? 試試快捷文字和取代文字: 你可以利用一個簡單的快速鍵、文字指令、自動文字取代來傳送自訂訊息,或者將它用來過濾文字。

自訂情緒音效將音效與 MSN Messenger 的整合帶到另一個新的境界,讓使用者可以在對話中傳送他們自訂的音效。音效會在兩端同步播放,並且在需要的時候自動在背景傳送。
你可以從現存的音效檔(如 MP3)或利用麥克風錄音及其他音源來建立音效。就算你對音效編輯很陌生,網路上的資料庫或可供匯入的音效組也有成千上萬個現成的音效讓你使用。

Messenger Plus! 可以讓你選擇任何你想要的文字或背景顏色,並且使用格式,如粗體、斜體、底線和刪除線。它也可以讓你使用文字命令來多方面地控制 Messenger,就如傳統的 IRC 聊天室一樣。
強化你的 Messenger: 各種管理你連絡人和聊天過程的新功能


Messenger 密碼鎖
在 共用電腦的環境裡將會非常有用,或用來避開你的老闆(這樣真的不太好!)。這個功能可以讓你用一個簡單的快速鍵(或 Plus! 功能表指令)來用不明顯的圖示把 Messenger 藏在系統匣內並使用密碼保護,它也會自動傳送訊息給你的連絡人來告知他們你已將 Messenger 上鎖或解鎖。

如同 ICQ 以前所提供的功能,你可以在桌面上使用小型的浮動視窗來顯示特定連絡人的狀態。你也可以將文字或連結拖曳進這些小視窗內來傳送訊息,或者拖曳檔案來開始傳送。

HTML 聊天記錄
跟 Messenger 的比起來,Messenger Plus! Live 讓你在聊天記錄的保存上有更多的選擇。早在 Messenger 把它當作標準但非完美的功能之前,Plus! 已經提供了此功能。但這次 Plus! 在聊天記錄上有哪些進步呢?
- HTML 記錄: 好看的記錄樣式還有檔案的方便性;你可以將他們帶到任何地方。
- 表情符號和動畫快遞: 所有東西都會被記錄,包括自訂的表情符號,動畫快遞則會以縮圖顯示。
- 聊天記錄檢視器: 在 Messenger Plus! 裡顯示你所有以連絡人和日期排序的記錄!
- 可更換面板的記錄: 假如你對預設的樣式感到厭倦而又懂 CSS 或可以取得自訂的 .css 檔的話,將它放到你聊天記錄的資料夾內就可以改變記錄的外觀!

連絡人會登入登出,改變狀態,改變他們的暱稱和個人訊息。所有諸如此類的事件都可以被記錄並儲存在可以用瀏覽器開啟的 XML 檔案。
你也可以用 Plus! 清單裡的事件檢視器來即時的檢視這些資訊,看看有沒有連絡人在不久之前登入過,並且查看他們的狀態變化,甚至是音樂方面的喜好!


多重帳號 (開啟多個 Messenger)
只要在 Messenger Plus! Live 喜好設定內勾選一個選項,你就可以同時登入一個以上的 Messenger ,這些都正確的整合在 Plus! 內而且不需要修改任何檔案。
Messenger Plus! Live 為了想要自己新增 Windows Live Messenger 功能的開發者們提供了獨家的指令碼開發環境。你可以在指令碼頁面學習如何自行開發或取得指令碼。
如果你完全不懂如何寫指令碼: 指令碼就是創意、新功能和更多 Messenger 使用上的樂趣,而且一次又一次的由 Messenger 社群裡的開發者們所提供!
Messenger Plus! 是一個免費軟體,你可以將它傳給你的朋友們。你將不會需要為此程式所提供的功能付出任何一分錢。 Messenger Plus! 不包含任何形式的惡意程式或特洛伊木馬。它內建非必要的贊助選項是一個廣告軟體,在安裝過程中,你會被給予很明確的選擇去安裝或不安裝它,完全不需要擔 心! 假如你想要支援這個軟體的開發但又不想安裝贊助軟體,希望你可以造訪線上商店,或花個一分鐘為程式開發者寄一張明信片。