A small floating Capture Panel that can be dragged anywhere or minimized to the Windows tray area
Resource friendly - uses a very small amount of memory, especially when minimized to the Windows tray area
Global hotkeys to activate the program's capture capabilities anytime, anywhere
Efficient tools to capture windows, objects, full screen, rectangle/freehand-selected regions and scrolling areas
Capture web pages in Microsoft Internet Explorer, FireFox and Opera
Option to specify destination (internal editor, clipboard, file or printer) where the captured image will be sent
Text/Arrowed line/Highlight/Watermark annotation
Drop-shadow, torn-edge and fade-edge effects
Add caption
Resize, crop, zoom in/out
Support external editors, which allows you to add virtually unlimited editing capabilities to the program
Save as BMP, JPEG, JPEG2000, PNG, GIF, TIFF, TGA and PDF
Send e-mails
Send screenshots to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
Screen magnifier
Screen color picker
Support multiple monitors
Option to run when Windows starts
And many more ...
Version 5.6 (June 25, 2007)
Added "Send to Word" and "Send to PowerPoint". Now it is possible to send screenshots to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint directly
Added option "Copy to Clipboard" to "Auto Save" section in the Settings
Improved usability of menus
Fixed some bugs
FastStone Capture v5.6 Final
FSCapture 是一款抓屏工具,附带的其他两个小功能:取色器和屏幕放大镜。对抓取的图像提供缩放、旋转、减切、颜色调整等功能。只要点点鼠标就能随心抓取屏幕上的任何东西,拖放支持可以直接从系统、浏览器或其他程序中导入图片。
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