FeedDemon是Windows 平台最受欢迎的RSS阅读软件,它具有简单友好的用户界面,使您可以快速抓取最新的新闻和信息.您可以完全自定义组织和显示Feed 的方式,设置自定义的基于关键词的新闻监视器.预先配置的众多Feed,让您可以立即开始使用它.其内建的Podcast接收程序可以下载音乐文件到您的移动音频设备.另外,FeedDemon可以与NewsGator Online自动同步,并与Bloglines等流行的RSS服务集成.
Changes in 2.6 Beta 2
Added: Page navigation controls added to status bar below browser (required moving some controls from the toolbar above browser)
Added: Inline search (similar to Firefox's) added to status bar
Changed: Shortcut for "Search Subscriptions" changed from F3 to Ctrl+F3
Changed: Options sidebar in Surfer style replaced with icons and links in the newspaper header
Changed: "[More]" links use a different color to make them stand out
Changed: Search results now use same inline expansion as Surfer
Changed: FeedDemon no longer syncs immediately after marking a folder as read
Fixed: Watch and search keywords aren't highlighted after expanding/collapsing an excerpt
Fixed: Dinosaur report doesn't remove feed after unsubscribing
Fixed: Can't collapse groups in Surfer style
Fixed: Can't hide popular topics links which contain unescaped query strings
Fixed: When subscribed to two copies of the same synchronized feed, unsubscribing from one removes both of them (114027)
Fixed: Favicons don't appear in newspaper due to invalid/missing "Content Type" registry setting
Fixed: Large images cut off in Surfer newspaper (114204)
Fixed: Images overlap in "Popular Topics"
下载: FeedDemon v2.6 Beta 2 (Build
Added: Page navigation controls added to status bar below browser (required moving some controls from the toolbar above browser)
Added: Inline search (similar to Firefox's) added to status bar
Changed: Shortcut for "Search Subscriptions" changed from F3 to Ctrl+F3
Changed: Options sidebar in Surfer style replaced with icons and links in the newspaper header
Changed: "[More]" links use a different color to make them stand out
Changed: Search results now use same inline expansion as Surfer
Changed: FeedDemon no longer syncs immediately after marking a folder as read
Fixed: Watch and search keywords aren't highlighted after expanding/collapsing an excerpt
Fixed: Dinosaur report doesn't remove feed after unsubscribing
Fixed: Can't collapse groups in Surfer style
Fixed: Can't hide popular topics links which contain unescaped query strings
Fixed: When subscribed to two copies of the same synchronized feed, unsubscribing from one removes both of them (114027)
Fixed: Favicons don't appear in newspaper due to invalid/missing "Content Type" registry setting
Fixed: Large images cut off in Surfer newspaper (114204)
Fixed: Images overlap in "Popular Topics"