Notepad++ 4.7.1

2008年01月03日 07:42 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
Notepad++ 是一款非常有特色的编辑器,是开源软件,可以免费使用.功能有:
内置支持多达 27 种语法高亮度显示(囊括各种常见的源代码、脚本,值得一提的是,完美支持 .nfo 文件查看),也支持自定义语言;
提供数个特色东东,如 邻行互换位置、宏功能,等等...现在网上有很多文件编辑器,这个却是不可多得的一款,不论是日常使用还是手写编程代码,都能让你体会到它独有的优势和方便.
Changes in version 4.7:
1. Make the "recovery system" for 3 mandatory xml files (config.xml, langs.xml and stylers.xml) to prevent the fail loading due to the corrupted files.
2. Extend plugin capacity - add the Scintilla external lexer capacity.
3. Add the ability to hide the tab bar with "-notabbar" flag in command line (ie. Notepad style).
4. Column selection is remembered now while switching among the files. As well this settings will be stored in the next session.
5. Add 2 Commends (beside Toggle Comment) Comment (Ctrl+K) and Uncomment (Ctrl+Shift+K).
6. Change "UTF8 without BOM" menu item behaviour.
7. Fix the hiding bug while launch time because of change of environment from duel monitors to mono monitor.
8. Remove vista UAC warning for GUP. Add "Update Notepad++" menu item.
9. Add NPPM_HIDETABBAR and NPPM_ISTABBARHIDE plugins messages.
10. Add NPPM_GETNPPVERSION message for plugin system.
11. Enhance the horizontal scroll feature.
12. Change Find in files behaviour : all the hidden directory won't be searched (for example : .svn).
13. Add build date-time in about box.
14. Fix a bug where a file with 2 or more consecutive spaces gives problems with sessions and history.
15. Fixe the problem where opening a file when in save as dialog saves the wrong file.
16. Add "Clean Recent File List" menu command.

Included plugins :
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Quick text v0.02
5. Explorer plugin v1.6.1
6. Hex editor v0.84
7. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
8. FTP_synchronize v0.9.5.0
9. NppExport v0.2.5.0


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Notepad++ 4.7.1

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