coolwulf:Opera fans 冒用coolwulf ID

2008年01月28日 07:25 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
因为精品的朋友看到了这个新闻所以联系了我, 所以我才刚刚看到这个新闻:
这些所谓的Opera fans的人品居然能够无耻和低劣到这种地步,真的非常让人汗颜.

尊敬的K-Meleon fans,

感谢一直支持着我的K-Meleon的用户, 感谢帮助过K-MeleonCCF开发的朋友们! 由于一些个人原因,我决定暂时停止K-MeleonCCF项目的开发工作. 在这里,向大家抱歉了.

K-MeleonCCF 的开发工作始于2004 年, 在至今为止的这些年中,无数的朋友们给了K-MeleonCCF很多很多的帮助. 在这里,我想特别感谢CCF的JackyE.

K-Meleon 1.5 版本将在不久之后发布,其中将包含一些K-MeleonCCF版本的功能. 对于正在使用K-MeleonCCF的朋友,我建议您在将来可以升级到K-Meleon 1.5去.

K-MeleonCCF 在将来也许会回来,不过这至少会是一年以后才会考虑的问题了. 所以这里我无法给大家任何承诺.

最后,再次向支持过K-MeleonCCF的用户和朋友们表示感谢, 非常感谢你们! Goodbye K-MeleonCCF.

- coolwulf -


Dear K-Meleon fans,

Due to my personal reasons, I've decided to discontinue the unofficial K-MeleonCCF project at this moment.

K-MeleonCCF unofficial project starts from 2004 and have got a lot of supports and help from many people who love K-Meleon. And I just want to say 'Thank you' to all of you here.

I'm very glad to see the new K-Meleon 1.5 is on the right track and will be out in the future. With a real tab support and much powerful macro plugin, K-MeleonCCF alone won't be much different with the future K-Meleon 1.5. And I've sent CCF mouse gestures plugin sourcecode to Dorian and he might include several functions in K-MeleonCCF like drag and drop functions in the future 1.5 also. So I suggest all K-MeleonCCF users can switch to K-Meleon 1.5 in the future.

Before K-MeleonCCF projcet really leaves, here is the latest K-MeleonCCF ME 0.08 Beta4 pre. I was planning to finish this K-MeleonCCF ME 0.08 however it seems like this goal is hard to finish at this moment. I thought I might be able to finsh beta4, but there're still a lot to do. So I give out this pre version:

K-MeleonCCF ME 0.08 Beta4 pre

[Release Notes]

Many thanks to Dorian, Mark307, Guenter and desga2!

+ Lua file system added
+ Lua macro plugin updated to 0.4.1
+ Lua macro plugin now support sendkey()
+ In preference panel, the skin list can read the skin folders automatically
+ In preference-gestures panel, there are two more commands:luamacro(pageup)andluamacro(down) which are pageup and pagedown command
+ New gestures plugin function, scroll the scrollwheel when holding down the right button, K-Meleon can scroll the webpage pagedown or pageup per scroll
+ Hold shift button when scroll can scroll the webpage pagedown or pageup directly
+ Rightbutton adds 'block item in userContent.css' menu on images
+ userContent.css filtering will have preview function now. Once you add the item by using the 'block item in userContent.css' menu or in the adfilter panel, the current webpage will show the effect after filtering. However, for loading the new filters in userContent.css, you still need to restart K-Meleon.
+ Preference-general panel now has a default language setting



Finally, I want to thank all of you again for your support in the last several years and I really enjoying working on K-MeleonCCF with you. Maybe in the future, K-MeleonCCF would be back, but I can't make any commitment at this moment.

So.... Goodbye K-MeleonCCF


- Hao -
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