Vista Visual Master 1.02 (Vista美化大师) 发布

2008年02月18日 19:41 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
作为进攻海外市场的先头兵,Vista Visual Master(中文名称:Vista美化大师)英文版率先发布,之前,Vista美化大师一直是Vista优化大师中的一个重要组件,现在先发行其独立的国际版本,目前版本为免费版本。Vista美化大师想必国内用户们更为熟悉,它内置了多项世界独家的功能,完美的支持各国语言和各种版本(含SP1)的主题破解、登录画面设置、启动画面修改、系统图标设置等等功能。
2008年的3月份,Vista Master (中文名称:Vista优化大师)3.0 的中(简体、繁体)、英、日文等版本也将面世。新一代的Vista优化大师 3.0 代码将全部重写,使用微软的 .net framework 3.0 / 3.5 进行开发,目前尚未发现同类软件采用这种新的技术。

这次发布的Vista Visual Master (中文名称:Vista美化大师)为英文版本,语言文件全公开,每个不同国家的用户都可以轻松的将其本地化,欢迎大家在Vista之家的国际网站 和 论坛 里面进行交流和反馈。

Freeware, Windows Vista, Vista SP1 32-bit and 64-bit supported
Version: 1.0.2
Filesize: 2.5M
Download: Vista Visual Master 1.02

What is Vista Visual Master?

Vista Visual Master is a free application that will help you to customize your Windows Vista easily.  With a clean and simple interface it brings you an All-in-One set of powerful and neatly classified tools, settings and tweaks.  Now You can change the look of the windows and buttons, change the system icons and hundreds of file icons, reconfigure the boot and logon screen, patch and apply your new themes, and you can customize Windows Vista according to your wishes.

It's rich in features:

* System Settings
Remove the small arrow on each icon; show Windows version on the computer desktop and hide all desktop items; disable or enable Windows Sidebar; disable changing wallpapers; force to enable DWM effect and create seperate processes for desktop and explorer.

* Theme Patch
Patch your original theme so that you can use other themes to personalize your computer.

* Change icons
Yes, You can replace about 40 system icons and hundreds of file icons, including "Computer","Recycle Bin" or even icons for WinRar, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel files, as well as icons for any file or folder.

* Boot and logon screens
With Vista Visual Master you can now change logon and boot screens - no more Windows logo when you switch on your computer. You can select whatever you want to see on the screen. Many logon screen and boot screen formats are supported. Just download them from the Internet and Vista Visual Master will be able to use them. You will be able to see a small preview for every logon and boot screen you have installed.

Download: Vista Visual Master 1.02
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Vista Visual Master 1.02 (Vista美化大师) 发布

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