英国 mIRC 公司出品的 IRC 类客户端软件是最流行的IRC客户程序,一定会勾起您多年前的美好回忆.界面优美,彩色文本行,DCC文件发送和接收能力,远程命令和事件操作,与位置相关的下拉菜单,WWW和声音支持等等.
mIRC 7.45 has been released! (April 25th 2016)
This is a small update that fixes an issue with the way BAN/UNBAN events are handled. This issue was introduced in a recent change to mIRC and we decided it was important enough, and affected enough users, to release a small update to fix it. This update includes the following improvements, changes and fixes:
Fixed on BAN/UNBAN event bug that caused it to not be triggered on mode +b/-b events.
Updated channels /list feature to send *matchtext* to server in LIST request on Undernet and Quakenet.
Fixed DCC Send file dialog nickname combobox being incorrectly sized.
Fixed $sdir() new file dialogs not handling invalid path names.
Fixed $sfile() new file dialogs not filling in filename editbox.
Fixed tray tips bug that caused gpf triggered by right-click on tray tip.
Fixed tray tips and speech bug in formatting of text for multiple mode changes.
Updated installer to re-use default NSIS uninstall executable.
Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file.
For a more detailed list of recent changes, please see the whatsnew.txt file.