Outpost Firewall Pro & Security Suite Pro 2008 (6.0.2279.251.482.298)

2008年02月27日 07:02 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
Agnitum的Outpost前哨防火墙大家都很熟悉,Outpost Security Suite Pro是最新推出的集合反病毒和反木马功能的专业防火墙安全套装.
下载:Outpost Firewall Pro 2008 (6.0.2279.251.482.298) (21.9 MB)
下载:Outpost Security Suite Pro 2008 (6.0.2279.251.482.298) (34.3 MB)

Changes in Outpost Security Suite Pro 2008 (build 6.0.2279.251.0482), February 26, 2008:
The following improvements are introduced:
* Compatibility with Windows Vista SP1
* Compatibility with Windows Server 2008
* Ability to automatically create rules for applications signed by trusted vendors
* Ability to disable content filtering for specific applications
* Ability to block Flash banners and ads by GET request
* Auto-Learn mode improvements

The following issues are resolved (only significant ones are listed):
* Anti-Leak Control:
o PC could freeze on Anti-Leak Control prompt if Punto Switcher was installed on the computer
o Windows 2000 system could freeze on Anti-Leak Control learn dialog
o FEEDBACK.EXE service issues (incl. Anti-Leak Control false positives, crash on system startup)
o Anti-Leak Control false positives if processes write to their own memory on Vista32

* Performance and stability:
o Outpost could crash on downloading updates
o Outpost could crash on displaying network activity
o Outpost could crash on Vista x64
o Slow start on Vista 64
o CPU high load on deleting files to Recycle Bin on Vista 64
o System slowed down while importing large list of advertisement keywords
o Compatibility issues (McAfee Security Center 8.0, BitDefender 10.2, nProtect GameGuard, CA Anti-Virus

* Update and installation:
o Error 101 while updating the product
o Some folders were not deleted after installation over Outpost Security Suite 2007
o Configuration was not imported correctly if installing over Outpost Security Suite 2007 or Outpost Firewall Pro 4.0
o Windows Security Center integration issues
o Service could not be unloaded if exiting the product while updating Outpost on Vista 32

* Other:
o Scan history was not preserved after switching to background scanning mode
o Incorrect details of registry keys were displayed in quarantine
o Web Control exclusions did not work
o Issues while processing IMAP protocol traffic
o Operation logic in case of "Allow Once" response to Rules Wizard prompt is changed
o Files which size exceeded the specified value were checked irrespective of the corresponding setting
o NAT Zone flag did not work correctly if LAN was marked as trusted
o More minor fixes

Homepage - http://www.agnitum.com/products/security-suite/

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Outpost Firewall Pro & Security Suite Pro 2008 (6.0.2279.251.482.298)

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