Avast! 4.8 BETA

2008年03月01日 10:56 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
来自捷克的Avast!,已有17年的历史,它在国外市场一直处于领先地位.Avast!的实时监控功能十分强大,它拥有七大防护模块:网络防火墙防护、 标准的本地文件读取防护、网页防护、即时通讯软件防护、邮件收发防护、P2P软件防护.这么完善的防护系统,定能让你的系统练就一副金刚不坏之身!任意开 启各项保护模块能够查杀流氓软件.
下载:Avast! 4.8 BETA

Hi all,

after some time, it's my pleasure to announce the availability of a pre-release build of the upcoming version of avast! Home/Professional - version 4.8.

How to install it (for starters - most people already know this trick anyway ): simply download and run the following program: http://files.avast.com/files/beta/aswbeta.exe and follow the on-screen instructions. That's about all it takes (provided you have the latest release version of avast Home/Pro already installed, of course).

4.8 is quite an important update for us.
It contains the following major improvements:  主要改进
  - a built-in antirootkit module  内置 Anti-Rootkit 模块dfxb
  - a built-in self-defense module  内置自我保护模块
  - starting with v4.8, avast is now officially an antispyware application, too (CheckMark certified).  从 4.8 版本开始,avast! 也是一个官方的反间谍软件 (通过 CheckMark 认证).

Plus there's a number of not-so-big new features, such as the ability to track scan progress and a large number of improvements in both the scanning engine and other components (such as the boot-time scanner, and the updater).

BTW This first beta build will be followed by another one (most likely in about a week). This is because it still doesn't contain some of the anti-rootkit functionality (so far, boot-time scan can be used to detect/remove rootkits; in the next beta, the GUI scanners will also feature antirootkit capabilities).

Also, in this first version, we're still aware of some methods to bypass the self-defense module, and these are being worked on continuously. This especially applies to the ashDisp.exe process which is somewhat harder to protect than the rest (i.e. the avast services) as it shares the user's logon session and is thus more easily attackable.

Any comments on this release are very welcome and appreciated!

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Avast! 4.8 BETA

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