UltraEdit-32 14.00a + UEStudio '06 06.50a

2008年03月18日 07:47 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
UltraEdit是能够满足你一切编辑需要的编辑器。UltraEdit是一套功能强大的文本编辑器,可以编辑文本、十六进制、ASCII码,可 以取代记事本,内建英文单字检查、C++及VB指令突显,可同时编辑多个文件,而且即使开启很大的文件速度也不会慢。软件附有HTML标签颜色显示、搜寻 替换以及无限制的还原功能,一般大家喜欢用其来修改EXE或DLL文件。
Changes in UltraEdit v14.00a, 2008-03-17:
* Japanese localization available
* Fixed undo in column mode following paste beyond end of line
* Fixed issue with printing syntax-highlighted file from command line
* Delimiter no longer appended to end of lines when using "Convert to Fixed Column"
* Some translation updates for Find/Replace dialogs in German version
* Enhancements for Find/Replace shortcut keys
* Fix for "Count All" not respecting "Find Where" selection
* Corrected behavior of "Highlight All" and "List Lines Containing String" if "Current File" not selected in Find dialog
* Replace in "Selected Text" no longer skips first found occurrence
* Fix for macro looping
* Fix for crash when using F3 during Quick Macro Record
* Fix for issues when closing XML comments
* Autoplay of macros on save now works with FTP files
* Fix for issue when changing ASCII table font to cause possible crash on next startup
* FTP Browser interface (GUI) enhancement
* Wordfile.uew/taglist.uet relocated to the INI dir, if the user's path to wordfile.txt/taglist.txt is the current EXE dir
* LaTeX spell checker filter to ignore commands in comments
* Enhancements for the MSI default filepath
* File compare from FTP now prompts to reload files
* To/From network installs now supported
* Background color in clipboard window
* No longer overwrites FTP accounts in user file
* Add FTP file to project from Explorer right-click
* Other minor fixes and enhancements

下载:ltraEdit-32 14.00a
下载:UEStudio '06 06.50a
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UltraEdit-32 14.00a + UEStudio '06 06.50a

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