Changes in HyperSnap 6.30.01, 2008.03.18:
* A new method to capture video overlays added - enable it under "Capture" menu, "Enable Video or Game Capture...". Once enabled, regular HyperSnap screen capture functions capture also video images.
* Text and stamps dialog boxes now remember the last used text alignment option (such as centered or right justified text)
* A small bug in print preview fixed.
下载:HyperSnap-DX 6.30.01
* A new method to capture video overlays added - enable it under "Capture" menu, "Enable Video or Game Capture...". Once enabled, regular HyperSnap screen capture functions capture also video images.
* Text and stamps dialog boxes now remember the last used text alignment option (such as centered or right justified text)
* A small bug in print preview fixed.