由著名的Trend Micro公司出品的PC-cillin Internet Security,能扫描已知或未知的病毒,并清除它们,保护你的数据不受感染.内置个人防火墙,以及能够屏蔽垃圾邮件的垃圾邮件过滤器,具备一个可调整 的安全级别,信任列表.还能够保护PDA上的重要信任.友好的界面,具有自维护功能.
What’s New:
• A sophisticated monitoring system intercepts and blocks unauthor changes to your computer’s operating system and applications.
• A single integrated scan now checks for computer viruses, spywar operating system security flaws.
• Security activity reports let you see at a glance how Trend Micro I Security 2008 has protected you recently.
• New Trend Micro Data Network controls offer more protection.
• A streamlined installation process sets up the software quickly and
• Image spam filtering catches unwanted messages containing only advertising graphics used to bypass text-based scanning systems.
下载:Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security Pro 2008 16.10 Build 1160
• A sophisticated monitoring system intercepts and blocks unauthor changes to your computer’s operating system and applications.
• A single integrated scan now checks for computer viruses, spywar operating system security flaws.
• Security activity reports let you see at a glance how Trend Micro I Security 2008 has protected you recently.
• New Trend Micro Data Network controls offer more protection.
• A streamlined installation process sets up the software quickly and
• Image spam filtering catches unwanted messages containing only advertising graphics used to bypass text-based scanning systems.